In Emmerdale, abuser Tom promises to get help for Belle and takes control in dark scenes.

A tangled web of deceit.

May 20th 2024.

In Emmerdale, abuser Tom promises to get help for Belle and takes control in dark scenes.
The situation between Tom King and his wife Belle Dingle had been escalating for quite some time. Tom's controlling and abusive behavior had reached a boiling point when he physically assaulted Belle, leaving her with a painful bruise on her stomach. In an attempt to save their marriage, Belle made it clear to Tom that he needed to seek help for his actions. He promised to do so, but whether or not he would follow through remained uncertain.

Tom's manipulation and abuse towards Belle had taken various forms. He had been monitoring her every move through a tracking app and even used a camera, disguised as a device to watch their dog Piper, to spy on her private conversations with loved ones. He had gone to the extent of using Piper as a tool for his abuse by giving Belle the responsibility of taking care of the dog, forcing her to stay home instead of going to work. Tom had even staged a break-in at their home to cover up the fact that he had destroyed things in a fit of rage.

Tom's jealousy and possessiveness had driven him to extreme measures, such as kidnapping Piper and framing Belle's friend Vinny Dingle for losing the dog. He was determined to keep Belle away from anyone he felt threatened by, even if it meant driving a wedge between her and her loved ones. When he saw Belle chatting with her friends Lydia and Mandy on the camera, he lost his temper and confronted her, revealing his true colors yet again.

Belle's decision to try for a baby, a topic that Tom had pressured her into, was unknowingly discussed by her friends Mandy and Lydia. While Mandy expressed her concerns, Belle assured them that it was what she wanted. Mandy, in her teasing manner, made a comment about Tom's job as a vet, which further angered Tom. He made sure to end the conversation and later took out his rage on Belle by physically assaulting her.

Belle had hoped that Tom's visit to GP Liam Cavanagh would be a turning point for him and their marriage. However, during the appointment, Tom revealed that he had been talking about Belle's mental health struggles and not his own. This was a shocking revelation, considering Belle's history of schizophrenia and the fact that she had accidentally killed someone in the past. Tom's accusations could easily be seen as plausible, given Belle's past struggles.

Tom's manipulation and lies had gone to the extent of convincing Belle that he was seeking help for his anger issues. But in reality, he had twisted the story to make it seem like Belle was the one with problems. In the coming episodes, Tom would go even further by provoking Belle to lash out at him in front of the entire village. The question remains, will anyone believe Belle's side of the story or will Tom's cunning ways continue to deceive those around him?

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