Your tarot horoscope reading for Oct 9-15 will tell you what surprises await you this week.

Prepare for a fresh start to the week!

October 8th 2023.

Your tarot horoscope reading for Oct 9-15 will tell you what surprises await you this week.
Get ready to start the week with a bang – it's Libra season and the New Moon in Libra is giving us all permission to bring a "2.0" version of ourselves to the table. This week's eclipse season is charging this step change with even more energy and power. Who knows where a personal transformation could lead you?

The tarot can help guide you towards this "2.0" version of yourself.

Aries (March 21 to April 20): You'll be glowing once you know where you want to go. The tarot card for Aries this week is the Ace of Cups, which means you need to bring something new into your life that you feel totally passionate about. Give yourself permission to ignite this relationship, project, role, commitment, idea, or goal. It's a brand new start – ignite your passions and watch your heart pump with motivation.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): Don't be afraid to big yourself up professionally. The tarot card for Taurus this week is the Four of Wands, which means you should apply for a promotion or progression in your work or volunteer/community life. Seek a new venue or outlet for your talents to shine and imagine you've already achieved this amazing role. When you project yourself as a star, others will also recognize your star quality.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): Live your true Gemini self. The tarot card for Gemini this week is the King of Wands, which means you want to become more adventurous and spontaneous. This year, you may have been repressing your natural side. All work and no play makes you feel trapped and dull. You need an adventure – this will re-activate the powerful, playful, confident, and creative side of you that people are magnetized to.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23): The good vibes you give off will come right back your way. The tarot card for Cancer this week is the Two of Cups, which means you have full permission to unleash your romantic nature and focus on your closest and dearest relationships. It's through your bonds with others that you shine brightest, and when you're generous, loving, kind, supportive, and attentive, you'll ignite a beacon within that will attract just that energy towards you.

Leo (July 24 to August 23): Luck is on your side. The tarot card for Leo this week is the Nine of Coins, which means you have a "wish pass" to make a dream-come-true version of you real. Step into your ideal thoughts, ideas, habits, and behaviours. Fake it 'til you make it – make an extra-special effort to present the best of yourself and notice the changes in reaction.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23): Get out of that rut by trying something new. The tarot card for Virgo this week is the Chariot, which means you need to change your environment in some way. Something in your current location is not working for you and a new scene equals new opportunity. Be purposeful about changing up your usual haunts this week. Take a new route, try out newly opened spaces, and be in a different spot – notice the change it activates in you.
Libra season is in full swing and this week's New Moon is set to give us all the opportunity to upgrade to version 2.0 of ourselves. With a powerful eclipse season and tarot guidance, we can use this week as a game-changer.

This week, Aries have the chance to bring something new and passionate into their lives. According to the tarot, the card that will help them in this step-change is the Ace of Cups. Give yourself permission to ignite whatever relationship, project, role, commitment, idea, or goal you feel passionate about.

Taurus, it's time to get out there and show the world your professional side. The card for this week is the Four of Wands, which is urging you to apply for a promotion or progression in your work or voluntary/community world. Believe in yourself and the responses and results you'll get will be different and rewarding.

Gemini, this week is about living your true self. The King of Wands is your card and it's telling you to be more adventurous and spontaneous. Get out there and let your star quality shine. People will be drawn to your energy and more joy and happiness will come your way.

Cancer, it's time to unleash your romantic nature and focus on your closest relationships. The Two of Cups card is nudging you to be generous, loving, kind, supportive, and attentive. Remember, you get what you give.

Leo, it's your lucky week! The Nine of Coins is your card and it's giving you the wish pass to make a dream-come-true version of yourself real. Fake it 'til you make it and make an extra special effort to present the very best of yourself and watch the positive changes come your way.

Virgo, it's time to get out of that rut. The Chariot card is telling you to change your environment in some way. Try something new this week and notice the change it activates in you. With the right environment, you will be able to reach your full potential.

It's time to upgrade, improve, amplify, correct, and empower. Give yourself a makeover and regain control of your life. This is your chance to become the version of yourself that you have always wanted to be.

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