Young people are causing a rise in Australians reducing their alcohol consumption.

Many Australians, especially younger generations, are aiming to reduce their alcohol intake due to health and appearance concerns.

July 4th 2024.

Young people are causing a rise in Australians reducing their alcohol consumption.
It seems that more and more Australians are making the decision to cut back on alcohol consumption. This trend is largely being led by the younger generation, who are becoming increasingly concerned about their health and image. According to recent statistics from Drinkwise, over half of Australians are now looking to reduce their alcohol intake, a significant increase from the previous year's 43 percent.

Interestingly, it appears that this shift in attitudes towards alcohol is largely being driven by Gen Z. The data shows that a whopping 65 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds are looking to drink less, with almost a quarter of young adults choosing to abstain entirely. This is a positive development, and Drinkwise CEO Simon Strahan believes that the culture around alcohol is changing for the better. "The way people approach drinking has become much more mindful," he stated in an interview with 9News Melbourne.

One factor that may be contributing to this change is the impact of social media. Strahan suggests that many young people are now highly conscious of the image they project online, and this is influencing their choices when it comes to alcohol. They want to live up to their carefully curated persona, and this means being more mindful and responsible when it comes to drinking.

As a result of this shift, we can expect to see a rise in the popularity of non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic beverage options. In fact, it is predicted that these drinks will make up four percent of the market by 2027. This is a clear indication that people are looking for alternatives to traditional alcoholic beverages.

One event that highlights this trend is the annual 'Dry July' campaign, where thousands of Australians commit to giving up alcohol for the month. Adam Follacchio, a participant in the campaign, shared his experience of cutting back on alcohol. "I wake up feeling fresh on a Sunday, I'm more active, I go for a walk," he said in an interview with 9News. "Everyone wants to live a healthier and longer life, and for me, that means finding other ways to stay connected and social without relying on alcohol."

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