World Population Day

There are 7.6 billion people in the world today and this number is expected to reach 8.6 billion by 2030 and 11.2 billion by 2050. World Population Day is an occasion to celebrate the diversity, beauty, and joys of having a large population on our planet while also recognizing the challenges that come with it. It is an opportunity to reflect on ways in which we can all make a difference in our future, one person at a time. The theme for this year's World Population Day is "Family Planning: Empowering Young People."

World Population Day is a day to celebrate the world’s population and the diversity of human cultures. It is also an occasion to raise awareness of global population issues and encourage people to think about how their actions can affect future generations. World Population Day was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1989 on July 11th, at the time when the world population reached five billion. The world population is currently at 7.6 billion people. This number is going to increase by another 2.4 billion in the next 30 years, according to a UN report.

World population day is celebrated on July 11th every year. The United Nations General Assembly designated this day in 1989 following the World Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania. This celebration aims to raise awareness about global population issues and inspire people to take actions that will help reduce poverty and improve living conditions for all people on the planet.
