Woman subjected to humiliating strip search by police, felt objectified and degraded.

They only did it to humiliate me. If I were a man, it wouldn't have happened. I was objectified.

July 18th 2024.

Woman subjected to humiliating strip search by police, felt objectified and degraded.
The recent report investigating Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has caused quite a stir, with some shocking findings that have left many questioning the practices of the force. The report, commissioned by city mayor Andy Burnham, was led by Dame Vera Baird who interviewed 15 women and men who had filed complaints about their treatment by GMP.

One of the most concerning revelations in the report was the unlawful arrest and strip search of several women. Maria, a victim of domestic abuse, was arrested and strip searched after a vape fell from her pocket during the arrest. She was accused of concealing items and was treated with utmost disrespect and degradation. Even before her arrest, Maria was not allowed to leave the police yard and was forcefully pulled back by an officer. And when she tried to pick up her bag from the ground, she was yelled at and accused of being a problem drinker. Dame Vera described this incident as "nasty" and rightfully so.

Sophie's case was also highlighted in the report, where she was arrested at 3:17am for allegedly damaging her ex-partner's wing mirror. This is despite the fact that her ex-partner had previously been arrested for trying to strangle her. Sophie spent 16 hours in custody and was not provided with her medication or sanitary items, despite informing the arresting officers about her medical condition. The report found that her arrest was unlawful and that her ex-partner had reported her in an attempt to exert control over her using the police and courts.

Dame Vera also discussed the case of a vulnerable woman who had mental health issues and expressed the fear of attempting suicide if locked in a cell. Instead of showing compassion and understanding, the custody officer threatened to put her in handcuffs and leg irons. This is not how someone in need of care and support should be treated.

The report also highlighted other concerning incidents in GMP custody, such as a woman being left without sanitary protection for hours and another being forced to walk up the street despite being physically disabled. These incidents showcase a lack of compassion and understanding towards vulnerable individuals.

In response to the report, GMP has apologized and accepted the recommendations made by Dame Vera. They have acknowledged the need for improvement, particularly in regards to strip searches for welfare purposes. They have also committed to providing better trauma-informed training for their officers to ensure that vulnerable individuals are given the care and support they need.

The report has shed light on some disturbing practices within GMP, but it is also a step towards bringing about much-needed change. It is important for the force to regain the trust and confidence of the community, and this can only be achieved by implementing the necessary changes and ensuring that their officers are properly trained to deal with vulnerable individuals.

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