Woman's ex-beau released from prison after attacking her face.

An abuser released from prison is accused of brutally beating his ex-girlfriend to the point of disfiguring her face.

July 30th 2024.

Woman's ex-beau released from prison after attacking her face.
According to reports, it is believed that Lauren Johansen was brutally attacked by her ex-boyfriend Bricen Rivers. It's a heart-wrenching situation that no one should ever have to experience. The man, who had a history of domestic violence, was released from jail just earlier this month. And that's when everything took a turn for the worst.

"I can't even begin to describe the horrific beating that this man inflicted upon my daughter," Lauren's father, Dr. Lance Johansen, shared with WDAM. "He beat her so badly that her skull and face were fractured from the rest of her body. It was like he was trying to remove the front of her head. No one should ever have to endure something like this."

Rivers was previously behind bars after a December incident in Nashville, Tennessee, where he allegedly almost beat Lauren to death while they were on vacation. However, he was granted bond and released. And tragically, he traveled from Tennessee to Mississippi, where he is accused of brutally killing Lauren.

"He misled the judge here and he misled the judge before," Lance, who is an orthopedic surgeon, explained. "You can't trust a criminal's word, especially someone like Rivers who is a pathological liar."

During his court appearance, Rivers was ordered to be put back in jail by Judge Gay Polk-Payton. He is now facing charges of first-degree murder, grand larceny auto, and tampering with evidence. When asked if he was out on bond at the time of Lauren's death, Rivers replied, "No, not to my knowledge." However, the Forrest County Assistant District Attorney, Clay Cranfold, clarified that Rivers was indeed out on bond.

Through tears, Lauren's father shared with Daily Mail, "I understand that everyone has rights, but you can't just release a dangerous man like Rivers back into society. They knew he was a psychopath and that he would hurt Lauren if he was let out. I warned them, but they didn't listen."

In Tennessee, a Davidson County Criminal Court clerk revealed that there were mistakes made in Rivers' release from jail. Lauren, who was a beloved member of the Gulfport community, had met Rivers, a star football player, and their relationship quickly turned violent. She had wanted to end the relationship as she headed off to the University of Southern Mississippi.

Rivers being back behind bars brings some sense of justice for Lauren's family. "I am confident that he will never see the light of day again," Lance stated. "This man is dangerous, and if given the chance, he will continue to harm others, even in jail." It's a tragic situation that serves as a reminder of the importance of taking domestic violence seriously and protecting those who are at risk.

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