The movie ends with Barbie fulfilling her destiny and creating a better future.

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July 24th 2023.

The movie ends with Barbie fulfilling her destiny and creating a better future.
Barbie is finally here and it has been welcomed with open arms by fans of the movie who appreciate the humour and heart in it. After a massive $300million opening weekend, many people have flocked to the cinemas to watch the movie.

The film explores themes such as the patriarchy and the meaning of life, with Barbie going on a journey of self-actualisation when things go awry in Barbieland. But how is it all resolved at the end?

After Ryan Gosling's Beach Ken brings the patriarchy to Barbieland from the real world, Barbie is helped by humans Gloria and her daughter Sasha, who she met in the real world as her owners. With the help of Kate McKinnon’s Weird Barbie, Gloria discovers her impromptu passionate speech about women’s experience of the patriarchy can snap the rest of the Barbies back into their normal selves.

The Kens are then turned against each other as their Barbies pretend to be interested in others, which allows the Barbies to seize back control of Barbieland. Barbie and Ken then have a heart-to-heart about Ken’s identity crisis, after which Will Ferrell’s Mattel CEO and his all-male board are happy to leave things as they are. The Barbies decide they should start to work towards equal rights for Kens too so everyone can be happy.

Barbie then enters a dreamlike sequence where she is visited by her creator, Ruth Handler, who warns her that humans only have one ending but ideas live forever. Barbie decides to trade in being a doll for the full human experience, so the final scenes of the movie show Barbie in the real world, announcing she is there to see a gynaecologist.

So there you have it - Barbie is in cinemas now and it is not to be missed!

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