Wally, the alligator providing emotional support, is nowhere to be found.

Wally vanished from his outdoor enclosure during his trip to Georgia, per owner Joie Henney.

May 3rd 2024.

Wally, the alligator providing emotional support, is nowhere to be found.
Last year, the number of emotional support animal registrations in the United States reached an impressive 115,832 according to an industry group's count. While this number is certainly significant, there is one particular support animal that stands out to reptile rescuer Joie Henney - his certified emotional support alligator, affectionately named "Wally Gator". Wally's gentle and calming presence has been a source of comfort for Henney, especially during his struggles with cancer.

Unfortunately, Wally has recently gone missing while Henney was visiting Brunswick, Georgia on April 21st. The news of Wally's disappearance has caused concern and worry among his many fans and supporters. According to the Wallygator Facebook page, the alligator disappeared from his outdoor pen during Henney's trip. A permitted trapper from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources was called to respond to a nuisance alligator report and was able to secure the creature and release it in a remote location.

The department's Wildlife Resources Division spokesperson, Melissa Cummings, confirmed that the agent trapper's handling of the situation was appropriate and routine. It is common for the department to receive calls about nuisance alligators and they have protocols in place to refer callers to a permitted alligator agent trapper. However, it is unclear whether the alligator released on April 21st was actually Wally or not. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources has no information to confirm this and has no further updates on Wally's whereabouts.

Despite the lack of information, Henney has not given up hope and has organized a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the costs of travel, advising, and possible legal and veterinary expenses in order to bring WallyGator back home. The campaign has already raised a significant amount, reaching nearly a third of its $30,000 goal. CNN reached out to Henney for comment on Wally's disappearance but he has not yet responded.

Wally is no stranger to the public eye, often interacting with fans at events in his home state of Pennsylvania and gaining popularity on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Henney has had Wally since the alligator was just over a year old and 50 centimetres long, getting him from Florida where alligators are considered nuisances and are often euthanized or put in captivity. Despite facing criticism for owning an alligator, Henney explains that people don't know the full story and that Wally has provided him with much-needed companionship and support during his cancer treatments.

Interestingly, Pennsylvania has no laws prohibiting alligators as pets as the state's Fish and Boat Commission does not regulate the possession of non-native species of reptiles and amphibians. However, Georgia law only permits licensed individuals to retain alligators in captivity. According to Cummings, most native species of wildlife cannot be held without proper permits or licenses and these are not issued for the purpose of keeping them as pets.

Wally's fame was rekindled last year when he was denied entry to a Philadelphia Phillies game. The team's policy only allows service animals, such as dogs and horses, into the stadium and does not make exceptions for emotional support animals. This policy is in line with the US Department of Transportation's announcement in 2020, stating that airlines are not required to recognize emotional support animals as service animals. Unlike service animals, emotional support animals do not undergo specific training but are prescribed by mental health professionals to provide comfort and support to their owners.

To Henney, there was no disagreement or conflict when Wally was denied entry to the game. He simply understood that Wally did not fit the criteria for a service animal. Despite these setbacks, Wally continues to be a beloved and cherished emotional support animal to Henney and those who have had the pleasure of meeting him. The search for Wally continues and his supporters remain hopeful for his safe return home.

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