Video games are promoting violence and sexism

Video games have become more popular than ever before. They are now a part of our daily lives, with the average gamer spending 3 hours per day playing video games. As video game popularity increases, so does the concern over their effects on those who play them. Video games are the most popular form of entertainment in the world. With over 2 billion gamers worldwide, it is no wonder that video games are a multi-billion dollar industry.

But with all the popularity, comes criticism. Critics say that video games promote violence and sexism in society. This is a hotly debated topic as some say there is no connection between gaming and violence while others say there is a clear link between the two. Some people believe that video games promote violence by giving players an outlet for their aggression or frustration which could lead to more violent behavior outside of gaming sessions.

One study found that playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for anywhere from 20 minutes to 7 hours after playing the game. This study also found that these effects were stronger for those who were already prone to aggression before playing the game than those who were not prone to aggression before playing the game. 

Video games have been in the public eye for a long time now. Some people say that they promote violence and sexism. The debate on video games is not new. It has been going on for decades with no clear answer to the question if video games promote violence and sexism or not. The study found that "playing violent video games may increase players' aggressive attitudes, affect, and behaviors." On the other hand, some studies show that playing violent video games can reduce levels of aggression as well as stress levels. 


