Education is becoming costlier and quality is not improving

The education industry is becoming more and more costly with no significant improvement in quality. The cost of education has been increasing for the past few decades. The number of students enrolled in higher education has also increased. However, there hasn't been a significant increase in the quality of education. Education is becoming costlier and quality is not improving. There are many factors that contribute to this phenomenon, but one of the main reasons is the lack of competition in the market. The education industry has been monopolized by a few players who have a lot of power over what goes inside classrooms.

Education is becoming more expensive, but the quality of education is not improving. It has been said that the cost of education has increased by 1,200% in the past 30 years. The cost of higher education has increased by 2,300% in the same time period.

The quality of education is not improving either. Students are spending more and more money on college degrees that do not guarantee a job or a better life. In fact, 44% of recent college graduates are working jobs that don't require a degree at all. In order to make sure that we have an educated workforce for our future, we need to make changes now before it's too late and we find ourselves with fewer jobs than people to fill them.


