US regulators declined Elon Musk's proposal to experiment with brain chips on people.

The battery posed significant risks in terms of safety.

March 3rd 2023.

US regulators declined Elon Musk's proposal to experiment with brain chips on people.

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A year after the rejection from the US Food and Drug Administration, Neuralink is still addressing the agency's worries. Three staff members reported they were doubtful the company could promptly solve the issues. Elon Musk declared in a December 1, 2022 statement that they were assured the Neuralink device was ready for humans, and the timing was dependent on the FDA approval process. The company has not revealed details of their application, the FDA's rejection, or the extent of the agency's concerns. Musk mentioned in a much-anticipated update on the device that the company was building brain chip interfaces that could enable disabled patients to move and communicate again, as well as restore vision. He stated that they wanted to be very careful and certain that it would work properly before putting a device into a human. During the three-hour presentation at Neuralink headquarters, Musk highlighted the speed of the company's invention. He declared the company had submitted 'most of our paperwork' to the agency, without specifying any formal application, and Neuralink representatives acknowledged the FDA had asked safety questions in what they described as an ongoing conversation.

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