A doctor mistakenly believed a man had a tumor and amputated his penis as a result.

The patient's private parts were taken out without difficulty, only to find out later that there had been no need to do so.

March 3rd 2023.

A doctor mistakenly believed a man had a tumor and amputated his penis as a result.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

An investigation is being conducted by the country's leading health authorities into the inadvertent amputation of a patient's penis by an Italian surgeon without any justification.

The 30-year-old urologist performed the procedure to get rid of the 'tumour' a month after diagnosing the man, thought to be in his 60s, with cancer.

Reports indicate that the penis removal operation went smoothly- until later analysis revealed there was no basis for it to have taken place in the first place.

The devastated patient is now seeking compensation from the botched doctor for the mutilation, which happened at San Donato Hospital in Arezzo, Tuscany, on 13th November 2018.

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The case has a preliminary court hearing scheduled for 9th March in Arezzo.

A similar case was reported in France in December last year, when a series of errors led to the 'total removal' of a man's penis at the Nantes University Hospital.

The man, reported to be in his 30s, said the surgery left him with just his testicles and 'no feeling' where his member once was.

‘I have hatred towards this doctor who did not listen to me,’ the unidentified victim told local news publication France Bleu. ‘He played Russian roulette with me!’

He told the news site: I’m really devastated and it’s really shameful.’

The patient said after the surgery ‘inside I knew it. It was either death or that. And indeed he had removed everything. He had just left the testicles and had cut at the base.’

‘But you can’t replace the feeling of a penis with several sensors.’

The Frenchman’s lawyer was initially hoping to gain his client 1 million euros, but local reports suggest he was eventually granted 62,000 euros in damages.

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