This week's tarot horoscope reading will provide insight into your future from September 25 to October 1.

Prepare for the upcoming week!

September 24th 2023.

This week's tarot horoscope reading will provide insight into your future from September 25 to October 1.
This week, lovely Libra season is underway and a Full Moon in Aries is coming up. It's a time of harmony and disruption, of rest and revival. As we approach the end of the year, it's time to get grounded and assess where we are with our goals for 2023.

So, what should you focus on this week? Tarot cards can help you reveal your priority for the year.

Aries (March 21 to April 20) should make their home their haven. The card for this week is The Empress, prompting the key question: how do I bring more of what I love into my world? This card is about family, love, passion, children, pets, home and hearth, natural landscape and creativity. Make your home a loving, secure, happy, and joyful place.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) should wind down and prioritise their wellbeing. The card for this week is Ten of Wands, prompting the key question: how can I improve the benefits and quality of my rest and relaxation? It's important to lay down healthy habits, scheduled relaxation, and other methods to help you stay strong and well.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21) should ask themselves: what can I contribute my precious talent and power to, for the greater good? The card for this week is The Hierophant, a card about leaders, gurus, spiritual guides, teachers, and authorities. Look to join something this autumn, contribute, get involved, and lend your support and resources.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23) should get their groundwork sorted. The card for this week is King of Swords, prompting the key question: what can I work on now that will set 2024 up for success? Take the long-term view and look at your five-year ideals and dreams. Work out what you can do this year to lay down the right foundations.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) should find their place in the world. The card for this week is The Chariot, prompting the key question: where do I belong and where do I want to go? Think about your environment and if you want to move. Consider travelling somewhere inspiring and important this year.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) should plan for something they want to work on alone and for themselves. The card for this week is Queen of Swords, prompting the key question: what do I really want to work on? Be shrewd, clever, sharp, and analytical. Make a strategy, set time aside, and create a goal. You have the skills to make it happen!
This week is the start of a new week and the start of Libra season. With a full moon in Aries to come, we are presented with the opposing forces of harmony and disruption, of rest and revival.
It is important to take time to ground yourself this week, to reflect on what has already happened in the year and consider what still needs to be done. What goals do you have for 2023 that still need to be achieved? And what opportunities are available to you this autumn and winter?

These are the questions that the tarot can help you to answer, prompting you to reveal your priorities for the upcoming year.

Aries, born between March 21 and April 20, is being asked to make their home their haven. The tarot card for Aries this week is The Empress, a card of family, love, passion and creativity. To best answer the question of how to bring more of what you love into your world, create a loving, secure and joyful territory in your home.

Taurus, born between April 21 and May 21, is being asked to prioritize their wellbeing. The tarot card for Taurus this week is the Ten of Wands, a card of fatigue, exhaustion and being overwhelmed. To best answer the question of how to improve the benefits and quality of your rest and relaxation, it is important to lay down healthy habits, scheduled relaxation, and tried and tested methods to help you stay strong and well.

Gemini, born between May 22 and June 21, is being asked to consider their cause. The tarot card for Gemini this week is the Hierophant, a card of leadership, spiritual guidance and authority. To best answer the question of what you can contribute your precious talent and power to, for the greater good, look to join in with something, to contribute, to lend your support and resources and be a part of something.

Cancer, born between June 22 and July 23, is being asked to get the groundwork sorted. The tarot card for Cancer this week is the King of Swords, a card about planning for the future. To best answer the question of what can be worked on this year to lay down the right foundations, look at your 5 year ideals and dreams and take the long-term view.

Leo, born between July 24 and August 23, is being asked to find their place in the world. The tarot card for Leo this week is The Chariot, a card of place and movement. To best answer the question of where you belong and where you want to go, consider travelling to places that inspire and are important to you.

Finally, Virgo, born between August 24 and September 23, is being asked to plan for something. The tarot card for Virgo this week is the Queen of Swords, a card of solo work and focus. To best answer the question of what you want to work on, alone and for yourself, make a strategy to tackle it, set time aside and create a goal to guide you.

Make sure you take the time to consider the above questions and answers this week to ensure that your 2023 still has plenty of bang for its buck!

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