US police receive handbook on UFOs due to associated safety concerns.

A new document aims to safeguard officers from potential dangers they may pose.

September 8th 2024.

US police receive handbook on UFOs due to associated safety concerns.
In recent years, there has been a shift in the way we refer to unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. They are now commonly known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UAPs. This change in terminology has been adopted and recognized by police departments across America, as demonstrated by the publication of the first-ever guide on UAPs by the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA).

The 11-page guide serves as a comprehensive resource for law enforcement officers on how to handle encounters with suspected UAPs and how to properly report these incidents. It also highlights the potential safety risks that these objects pose, especially for officers who may be travelling in helicopters. The guide includes real-life accounts from police officers, such as one in 2023 where an officer reported seeing a triangular craft with green lights gliding through the sky, followed by a local resident claiming to have seen something running nearby.

The MCCA, which consists of 80 executives from major US cities, has previously focused on community outreach, research, and policy development. However, they have now also taken on the task of investigating UAPs and raising awareness among law enforcement agencies. This is not a new concept, as Indian aerospace engineer S. Somanath, who has led the Indian Space Research Organisation since 2022, has also expressed his belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life.

It seems that Somanath is not alone in his beliefs. A police officer in Blairsville, Georgia, claims to have seen strange green lights in the sky while on patrol in November 2023. The officer described a triangular craft with green lights on each side, and despite his experience with helicopters and airplanes, he was certain that this was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. He even received a call from a resident reporting a strange noise, which seemed to be coming from the same direction as the unidentified object.

In addition to these personal accounts, the guide also provides useful information on where and how to report sightings of UAPs. It also includes a section on ex-government whistleblowers, David Grusch and Luis Elizondo, who have made claims about the existence of non-terrestrial vehicles. However, some skeptics argue that these claims lack substantial evidence and that the guide should also include references to more balanced and skeptical viewpoints.

While there is a growing recognition of the potential threat that UAPs pose to air safety and national security, there is still a lot of speculation and rumors surrounding the subject. The guide acknowledges this and encourages officers to remain vigilant and report any sightings or encounters, but also urges them to approach the topic with a critical and rational mindset. It is clear that the MCCA believes it is in the interest of law enforcement to stay informed and aware of trends and reporting on UAPs, as they continue to investigate this mysterious phenomenon.

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