Person admits split from group of 'Nazi' re-enactors.

The group has had a disagreement.

September 8th 2024.

Person admits split from group of 'Nazi' re-enactors.
Last year, there was quite a stir in the local community due to the actions of one man. Photos surfaced of him dressed as a Waffen SS officer at a 1940s festival in Sheringham, Norfolk. This caused a lot of controversy and backlash from the community. The man in question, Jim Keeling, who is now 54 years old, was also seen doing a Nazi salute outside of Hitler's former home in Bavaria, Germany.

As a result of these actions, Jim has faced severe consequences. He has since cut all ties with the World War Two re-enactment group that he once led. This group, known as the Eastern Front Living History Society, or the 5 Wiking [Viking] SS Division re-enactment group, has shunned him due to "a difference of views." Jim denies being a Nazi sympathizer and claims that he has been ostracized by his former friends in the group, who hold beliefs that he does not agree with.

The Eastern Front Living History Society has made it clear that they do not support any political or religious persecution. They have also stated that they do not subscribe to the idea of being Nazis. In light of the controversy, the 1940s festival in Sheringham has banned the wearing of Axis uniforms this year.

Jim, who resides in Bradwell, Norfolk, has stated that he will not be attending the festival this year. He no longer associates with the group and cannot speak on their behalf. The events of last year have caused a rift between him and his former friends, and he has distanced himself from their beliefs.

At the 1940s weekend in Sheringham last September, the Eastern Front Living History Society received backlash from furious locals. Jim was seen in the background of a photo doing a Nazi salute with a friend. The festival, which attracts around 25,000 people, caused uproar among onlookers who saw the group goose-stepping and performing straight-arm salutes.

In addition to his actions at the festival, Jim shared an anti-Semitic cartoon on his Instagram. The cartoon depicted a stereotypical Jewish figure stuffing Africa into a funnel emblazoned with the EU flag, to squeeze it into Europe. Jim claims that he was mocking the Nazi dictator, and that he does not share his views. However, his interest in the Third Reich has caused a strain in his family relationships. His eldest son, Jeremy, has publicly spoken out against the re-enactment group's actions and has called for the festival organizers to ensure that there is no repeat of these scenes.

As a result of last year's controversy, the wearing of Axis uniforms has been banned at this year's festival. The Eastern Front Living History Society has been contacted for comment, but has yet to respond. They have previously stated that their appearance at the Sheringham 1940s weekend was misunderstood and that they were trying to educate people about history. They also claimed that their presence was appreciated by many in the town.

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