US claims North Korea has supplied arms to Russia for Ukraine conflict.

Satellites show major activity on a railway near the border.

October 15th 2023.

US claims North Korea has supplied arms to Russia for Ukraine conflict.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un had a rare summit last month. After their meeting, there has been speculation that the two countries may have arranged an arms deal. Now, the White House has confirmed this after releasing satellite images of a large shipping operation.

The images depict more than 1,000 containers of "equipment and munitions" being carried on a Russian-flagged ship out of North Korea. The containers were then loaded on a train, which transferred them to a depot near Russia's south-western border. US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby confirmed that North Korea is seeking its own military support from Russia, including missiles and fighter aircraft.

Washington thinktank the Centre for Strategic and International Studies also released images last week showing a "dramatic and unprecedented" increase in freight traffic at North Korea's Tumangang Rail Facility, near the border. This could indicate a transfer of arms. The US released a map showing what its analysts believe is the route taken by the delivery.

Kim Jong Un reportedly cast an eye over nuclear-capable bombers, hypersonic missiles and warships used by the Russian military when he toured the Knevichi airfield on his visit. Putin told reporters his country was "not going to violate anything", but would keep developing relations with North Korea. Following the summit, Kim called for a massive increase in the production of nuclear weapons at North Korean facilities.

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