US citizen involved in Congo coup was on holiday, relatives claim.

21-year-old Tyler Thompson was among three Americans identified by the Congolese army as involved in a failed attempt to overthrow Kinshasa's government.

May 24th 2024.

US citizen involved in Congo coup was on holiday, relatives claim.
The Thompson family was left reeling after finding out their son, Tyler Thompson, was caught up in the failed coup attempt in Congo. According to a statement provided to The Associated Press, the family explained that Tyler was in Africa on vacation with family friends and had no prior involvement in political activism.

It was a shocking development for the Thompson family, who had no idea how their son got involved in such a dangerous situation. In fact, they were certain that Tyler had no intention of engaging in any political activities during his trip to Africa.

The failed coup attempt was led by eccentric leader Christian Malanga, who had been exiled from Congo. Tyler was one of at least three Americans named by the Congolese army as being part of the attempt to overthrow the government in Kinshasa. The other two Americans were Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun and Malanga's own son, Marcel, who was born in Utah.

Tragically, Malanga was shot and killed by the Congolese army when he resisted arrest. In total, six people lost their lives in the attack on the presidential palace and the residence of a close ally of President Felix Tshisekedi.

The Thompson family's worst fears were confirmed when a video began circulating on social media, showing Tyler surrounded by Congolese soldiers with a terrified and bloodied face. He and Marcel Malanga were forced to their feet and had their hands tied behind their backs.

It was revealed that Tyler and Marcel had played high school football together in Salt Lake City, and Tyler was the only former teammate to accept Marcel's invitation to travel to Congo. According to other players, Marcel had been inviting his high school friends on the trip for months, but they had declined. Some were told it was a family vacation, while others were told it was a service trip to build wells.

Luke Barbee, another former teammate who had lived with Marcel, was shocked to learn of his friend's involvement in the attack. He described Marcel as a respectful kid who had a strained relationship with his father. Barbee believed that Marcel could have been pressured or manipulated into following his father's plans.

This sentiment was echoed by Jaden Lalor, another former teammate, who couldn't believe that Tyler and Marcel would participate in such violent actions. He described Tyler as a laid back and chill kid who was not one for conflict.

Tyler's stepmother, Miranda Thompson, also spoke out, saying that Tyler was not politically engaged and was simply excited to see the world with his friend. She described Tyler as a good, hardworking, and respectful young man, and the family was completely lost as to how he ended up in this situation.

The US State Department strongly advises against travel to Congo, citing violent crime and civil unrest. Specifically, Americans are warned to avoid demonstrations that could lead to arrest, as the US government has limited ability to provide emergency consular services in many parts of the country.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the attack and offered to help with the investigation in a call with President Tshisekedi. However, the US Embassy in Congo is still waiting for the Congolese government to provide evidence that the arrested individuals are American citizens before they can provide consular services.

The Thompson family is anxiously waiting for any updates on Tyler's situation and is hoping for a swift resolution to this terrifying ordeal.

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