US and China military leaders meet to discuss tensions in the Pacific in an unusual meeting.

Leaders met to prevent mistakes in a tense region.

September 11th 2024.

US and China military leaders meet to discuss tensions in the Pacific in an unusual meeting.
After months of anticipation, American and Chinese military leaders finally had a long-awaited conversation as they try to navigate their increasingly tense relationship in the Asia-Pacific region. The call, which took place via video conference on Tuesday, involved US Indo-Pacific Command Admiral Samuel Paparo and General Wu Yanan, commander of China's Southern Theatre Command. This marks a significant step forward in the restoration of high-level military communication between the two powers, which was cut off over two years ago.

The timing of this call is crucial as tensions between the US and China continue to rise, particularly in regards to China's actions in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan. In fact, the severing of military communication in 2022 came after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, a move that angered China as they view the democratic island as their own territory.

Fortunately, there has been progress towards repairing these lines of communication in recent months. During a visit from White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to Beijing last month, both sides agreed to hold a commander-level call in the near future. And on Tuesday, that call finally happened. Admiral Paparo emphasized the importance of having open communication between senior military leaders to avoid misunderstandings or miscalculations. He also expressed concern over recent unsafe interactions between the Chinese military and US allies, urging them to comply with international laws and norms for operational safety.

Meanwhile, China's state media confirmed the call and stated that both sides had a deep discussion on issues of mutual concern. This conversation comes at a critical time, as tensions in the South China Sea have escalated with aggressive encounters between Chinese and Philippine ships. The US has reaffirmed its commitment to defending its treaty ally, the Philippines, and analysts warn of the potential for a larger conflict if communication is not maintained.

Aside from tensions in the South China Sea, there are also other areas of friction between the US and China. This includes China's close relationship with Russia and the US's accusations of China supporting Moscow's defense industry. Additionally, China is concerned about the US strengthening ties with its regional allies to contain China's influence.

Tuesday's call was a rare opportunity for top military officials from both powers to engage in direct communication. It comes as part of a gradual resumption of high-level military talks, following a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in November. As tensions continue to rise, it is crucial for both sides to maintain open communication to avoid any potential misunderstandings or escalation of conflict.

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