UNCRC Ratification Day: Flag ceremony marks start of awareness campaign.

December 12th 2023.

UNCRC Ratification Day: Flag ceremony marks start of awareness campaign.
On December 11, the ratification day of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the District Collector, Priyank Mishra, and the District Programme Officer, Subhash Jain, flagged off an awareness chariot from the Collectorate premises. A meeting of department heads and district programme officers of the Women and Child Development Department was held at the District Panchayat Auditorium to emphasize the importance of child rights and child protection.

The awareness chariot was set up to raise awareness of issues such as child marriage, child labour, child begging, physical and sexual violence against children, gender discrimination, and violence against women. Furthermore, toll-free numbers for children and women will be distributed.

District Coordinator Jain stated that the awareness chariot will be used to spread awareness in schools, Anganwadi centres, weekly markets, gram panchayats, and community halls. The objective of this initiative is to help women and children get access to government schemes, to identify disadvantaged children, and to address issues of child protection and gender discrimination. In addition, an annual action plan will be prepared for continuous efforts.

On this occasion, Mamta HIMC District Coordinator Rajesh Sharma was also present. The day was unfortunately marred by the news of a five-year-old child slipping into a borewell while playing, for which excavator machines had to be brought in to start digging for the rescue.

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