Learn strategies for resolving conflicts in the workplace.

Managing conflict in the workplace during a tumultuous time of global change and uncertainty.

December 12th 2023.

Learn strategies for resolving conflicts in the workplace.
Conflict resolution in a virtual or hybrid workplace can seem challenging since it is no longer possible to meet a colleague by the watercooler or stop by a supervisor’s office to casually run something by them. However, regardless of the environment, conflict is constant and can be addressed in a frictionless workplace.

At Breakthrough ADR, we advise organizations on how to listen, negotiate and resolve conflict in a variety of settings. Through our work, we have identified five SMART strategies to help companies resolve business conflict in the new year.

The first step is to separate the person from the problem. It’s important to recognize that workplace conflicts consist of two parts: the people involved and the issue they are trying to address. Focusing on each element separately can help to more effectively resolve a conflict.

The second tip is to understand the underlying interests. It’s essential to identify what a person is saying they want and why they want it. Doing this can often reveal that the goals of the parties are more aligned than divergent.

The third strategy is to accept reality with a “Yes, and…” approach. This technique, which was learned from improv classes at Upright Citizen’s Brigade, encourages cooperation by encouraging improvisers to listen and be open to others’ ideas, even if they don’t agree. Substituting “and” for “but” can open the door to collaboration.

The fourth tip is to resolve with everyone at the table. It’s important to make sure everyone involved in the conflict is included in finding a resolution. Without all the proper stakeholders present, it can be difficult to come to an understanding.

The fifth and final strategy is to trust the process. Change takes time and patience and sometimes there will be challenges when implementing a conflict management plan. As a leader, it is important to trust the process and encourage your team to do the same. Plans are guidelines that can be adapted as your organization grows and changes.

Conflict is inevitable but business conflict is manageable, preventable, and resolvable using these SMART strategies. With the right approach, it is possible to create a frictionless workplace.

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