Two former Chinese defense ministers will face trial for corruption and have been expelled from the Communist Party, a first for the country.

Two ex-Chinese defense ministers, Wei Fenghe and Li Shangfu, were expelled from the Communist Party and will be prosecuted under President Xi Jinping's watch.

June 27th 2024.

Two former Chinese defense ministers will face trial for corruption and have been expelled from the Communist Party, a first for the country.
In a shocking turn of events, two former Chinese defence ministers, Wei Fenghe and Li Shangfu, have been expelled from the ruling Communist Party and are facing prosecution. These two officials had served under the watchful eye of President Xi Jinping, making this scandal one of the worst to hit the People's Liberation Army.

The Communist Party, led by Xi, took swift action against these high-ranking officials after investigations uncovered their involvement in corrupt practices. Along with Wei and Li, former Foreign Minister Qin Gang also disappeared from the public eye, making 2023 a year to be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Li, who had been under investigation for corrupt practices, was officially expelled from the party for violating Party discipline and the law. Similarly, Wei, who had served as Defence Minister from 2018 to 2023, was also expelled and is facing prosecution. These two had also held top positions in the party and the Central Military Commission, the highest command of the PLA.

Their actions have not only brought shame to themselves but also to the Party and the military as a whole. As high-ranking officials, they had failed to uphold their loyalty and trust, causing immense damage to the image of senior officials and the development of national defence.

The investigation found that both Wei and Li had sought personal benefits and accepted bribes, going against political and organisational discipline. Their actions have had a detrimental impact and have caused tremendous harm. As a result, their suspected criminal case has been forwarded to the military procuratorial organs for further examination and prosecution.

This is not the first time that the PLA has been hit by a scandal involving top officials. In the ongoing anti-graft campaign, several senior officers, including commanders of important branches and departments, have been dismissed from their positions. The recent dismissals of Li and Wei have sent shockwaves through the Chinese officialdom and raised questions about the process of selecting officials for key positions.

Before his sudden disappearance, Li had been personally chosen by Xi to serve as Defence Minister, while Qin was China's shortest-serving foreign minister before being stripped of his remaining titles. These incidents have highlighted the need for stricter measures to prevent corruption and maintain the integrity of the Party and the military. The Communist Party has made it clear that it will not tolerate any form of corruption within its ranks and will take decisive action against those who betray their trust.

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