Two Maldives ministers arrested for allegedly using black magic against President Muizzu - reports

Police in Maldives arrested two ministers for practicing black magic on President Muizzu. State minister Shamnaz Saleem and her ex-husband were among those arrested.

June 27th 2024.

Two Maldives ministers arrested for allegedly using black magic against President Muizzu - reports
According to local media reports on Thursday, two ministers in the Maldives have been arrested by the police for allegedly practicing black magic on President Mohamed Muizzu. Shamnaz Saleem, who was a state minister at the Environment Ministry, and her ex-husband Adam Rameez, who served at the President's Office, were among the four individuals arrested. However, the police have not revealed any details about the reasons behind the arrests or the alleged black magic ritual.

The news portal stated that Shamnaz, along with two others, was taken into custody on Sunday and have been remanded for seven days. She was also suspended from her position at the Environment Ministry on Wednesday, while Rameez was suspended on Thursday. Interestingly, both of them have previously worked with Muizzu during his time as the Mayor of Male City Council.

The media also reported that after Muizzu became President in November last year, Shamnaz was appointed as a state minister at Muliaage, the official residence of the President, before being transferred to the Environment Ministry. Rameez, on the other hand, was known as a close aide to Muizzu during their time at the Male City Council. However, he has not been in the public eye for the past five months.

Neither the government nor the President's office has made any official statement regarding this matter. The issue remains shrouded in mystery as the police continue their investigation. It is unclear why the ministers were allegedly performing black magic on the President and what their motives may have been. The Maldives, known for its beautiful beaches and luxury resorts, is now making headlines for this bizarre and unsettling incident.

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