Two arrested for raping 14yo girl after pretending to offer her a ride in Manjri.

November 7th 2023.

Two arrested for raping 14yo girl after pretending to offer her a ride in Manjri.
In a tragedy that has taken place in Pune's Manjri area, a 14-year-old girl has been allegedly sexually assaulted by two young men. The girl, who was living with her parents, left after having a disagreement with her mother over household tasks.

On the road, Abhishek Ganesh Jagtap approached her and offered a ride home. He then called his friend, Nilesh Namdev Yadav, to join them with his motorcycle. The two men took the victim to an abandoned house and allegedly assaulted her sexually. The girl tried to resist but they threatened to harm her.

The Hadapsar police have taken both suspects into custody. A case has been registered against them under various sections of the Indian Penal Code as well as sections 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 17 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. The investigation is still ongoing.

This incident is a stark reminder of the safety of women and children in our society. We must strive to make sure that no one is ever subjected to such cruelty again. It is our duty to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators are brought to account.

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