Trump claims voting for him is the only way to prevent a third world war.

Netanyahu met with President Biden and VP Harris at the White House a day before this meeting.

July 30th 2024.

Trump claims voting for him is the only way to prevent a third world war.
At a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Florida, former President Donald Trump made a bold promise to potential voters: if he is elected back into the Oval Office, World War III will not happen. Trump expressed concern over the current state of affairs, stating that "we have incompetent people running our country." However, he assured his audience that if he is re-elected, everything will "work out and very quickly" without the threat of a major war.

This meeting took place just one day after Netanyahu's visit to the White House, where he met with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump, who is now the oldest presidential candidate in US history, has a history of predicting dire consequences if he is not elected again. In a 2023 speech in Michigan, he declared that he is the only person who can prevent World War III, stating, "And I'm the only person that can say this. I will stop World War III, and we're very close to having World War III." He reiterated this belief in a roundtable discussion in Iowa and most recently, at a rally in Florida where he blamed President Biden for various global conflicts and issues.

Trump's rhetoric has gained attention and criticism. During a summit in Florida, he recalled comments allegedly made by Hillary Clinton, a past Democratic presidential candidate, who warned voters that he would start wars and not finish them. In response, Trump claimed that it was his attitude that kept the country out of war, citing his defeat of ISIS as an example. However, his claim was met with skepticism, as his national security advisor at the time, John Bolton, stated that the ISIS threat would still remain.

Despite Trump's bold promises and assertions, many remain skeptical of his ability to prevent a major war. But for him, the stakes are high, and he firmly believes that if he is not elected, the world could be pushed towards the brink of another global conflict. As the election approaches, only time will tell if his promises hold true.

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