Guest shocked to discover Queen Victoria's underwear was worth more than expected.

That was amazing! Wow! Incredible experience!

August 7th 2023.

Guest shocked to discover Queen Victoria's underwear was worth more than expected.
A guest on Antiques Roadshow was left speechless when the valuation of a pair of Queen Victoria’s underwear was revealed. The man had brought the rare pare of bloomers and a night dress to Wollaton Hall in Nottingham and expert Hilary Kay was delighted by the items, which were once owned by the British monarch who ruled between 1937 to 1901.

The guest inherited the garments from his late aunt, who was a lady in waiting to Queen Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise. After assessing the items, Hilary asked the guest what he thought about the value of the underwear. He replied that he had “no idea.” The expert teased a high value, noting that the market for these kinds of items is “strong.”

“I know that the market is strong and I would certainly say something above £15,000,” Hilary said, leaving onlookers and the guest himself stunned.

“Right, that’s a lot of money, worth hanging onto then. Very good,” the guest said. He was surprised that people would be willing to pay such a high price for the underwear. “I think we need now to make sure they’re looked after safely and perhaps better than just being put in a box.”

It turns out this isn't the first time an Antiques Roadshow guest has been stunned by a high valuation of Queen Victoria’s clothing. Last summer, Hilary had the pleasure of examining the monarch’s knickers. After teasing the box with the secret, Hilary pulled out the pants. When asked what it was, the guest replied, “We are looking at a very fine pair of Queen Victoria’s knickers.”

The expert noted that the last pair of Queen Victoria’s knickers sold at auction for £16,000. The guest explained that the underwear had been passed down through his family, going back “a number of generations,” while Hilary noted that Queen Victoria was known to give away her knickers as tokens of affection.

It’s amazing that such a rare item, once owned by a monarch, can be valued at such a high price. Antiques Roadshow airs Sundays at 8pm on BBC One.

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