Today's forecast: find out what the future holds for you on July 9, 2023.

Remain calm; patience is key.

July 8th 2023.

Today's forecast: find out what the future holds for you on July 9, 2023.
Today, the Mars and Pluto connection may bring about some frustration for all the star signs. It's important to stay calm and patient during this time. Aries should remember to not get into any arguments as they won't do any good. Taurus may have to show their more ruthless side when it comes to a certain matter. Gemini should look at one social connection objectively to find perspective. Cancer, see this as a test of your ability to be kind and tolerant. Leo should believe in themselves as an innovator and a leader. Virgo should observe from a distance and refrain from getting involved. Libra should try to deal with the issues they've been trying to avoid. Scorpio should be bold and reach out to anyone in authority. Sagittarius should look for hidden treasures closer to home. Capricorn should embrace fresh ideas. Aquarius should be gentler with themselves. Pisces should be charming and disarming if they find themselves in a situation that threatens to boil over. Remember to take time for yourself and reflect on your career and life this Full Moon in Capricorn!

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