Partner won't let me pick our baby daughter's name.

He rejected all the names suggested.

June 29th 2023.

Partner won't let me pick our baby daughter's name.
Choosing a baby name can be a tricky business. For one couple, it has proved to be a constant source of disagreement. As one 35 week pregnant woman revealed in a Reddit post, her partner has been very insistent about what their daughter should be called and has dismissed all of her suggestions.

The woman wrote that her partner wanted to name their daughter after his friend who had sadly passed away while serving in the British Army. Although she was unsure of the name at first, she grew to like it. But when she offered up her own suggestions, her partner turned them all down.

The woman also wrote that her partner had suggested his mother's middle name for the baby, something which she wasn't too keen on. She said that although she had no issue with his side of the family, she suggested that either she picked the middle name or the baby didn't have one, as her partner had already chosen the first name. But her partner refused this suggestion, saying that it was a tradition in his family for everyone to have a middle name.

The post sparked lots of comments from fellow Reddit users, with many taking the woman's side and expressing their opinion that her partner wasn't respecting her opinion. One person even suggested that she give her daughter her own last name, as it would "simplify things" should the couple eventually divorce.

It's important to remember that naming your baby isn't always easy. And while it's great to come to a compromise, it's also important that both parents feel happy with the name. If you're ever in a disagreement over your little one's name, it might be worth remembering that you can always change it after the baby is born. According to chartered clinical psychologist Dr Georgie Taylor, research indicates that babies start to recognise their name at around five months old, so you can always use the associative learning concept to link two names together and phase out the original one.

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