This scary Netflix movie is too much for most people to watch all the way through.

Be cautious, a warning has been given.

June 25th 2024.

This scary Netflix movie is too much for most people to watch all the way through.
Have you heard about the latest horror film on Netflix that's been sending shivers down viewers' spines? It seems that this particular movie is so terrifying that only a small percentage of people have been able to finish it.

As a popular streaming platform, Netflix offers a wide range of horror films to satisfy the cravings of fans. However, this one in particular has managed to fly under the radar since its release in 2017. Titled "Verónica," this Spanish film has been causing quite a stir among viewers, with some even proclaiming it as the scariest film ever made.

What's even more unsettling is that "Verónica" is based on a real-life story known as the Vallecas case, which has become a part of Spanish folklore and popular culture. It all started in 1991, when a teenage girl named Estefanía Gutiérrez Lázaro reportedly experienced hallucinations and seizures after attempting to contact her friend's deceased boyfriend through a séance at school. Tragically, Estefanía passed away under mysterious circumstances the following year. In a chilling turn of events, Spanish police visited her allegedly haunted home and reported supernatural occurrences, including a spreading stain, loud noises, and even a crucified Jesus without its cross.

Directed by Paco Plaza, co-creator of the popular REC zombie film franchise, "Verónica" tells the story of a young girl who becomes fascinated with the occult after the death of her father. Encouraged by her teacher, she decides to use a Ouija board during a solar eclipse, but things take a terrifying turn when she starts experiencing paranormal activities. As the story unfolds, Verónica becomes desperate to rid herself of the dark spirit that has attached itself to her, even if it means involving her three younger siblings in a dangerous séance.

According to reports, when "Verónica" was released on Netflix in 2018, the streaming platform claimed that only one in 100 viewers were able to make it through the entire film. This was seen as a testament to the movie's intense horror. And it seems that those who have watched it can confirm just how terrifying it is. Many have taken to social media to share their thoughts, with one viewer even admitting to almost crying out of fear.

In fact, the UK Netflix X account even got in on the hype, promoting "Verónica" as the perfect movie to watch for Halloween in 2020. With its supernatural storyline loosely based on true events, it's no wonder that this film has left viewers petrified.

If you're brave enough to watch "Verónica," be warned that it might just keep you up at night. But if you're a horror fan looking for a good scare, this might just be the perfect movie for you. Have you seen "Verónica" on Netflix yet? We'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your story by emailing us, calling our entertainment team, or visiting our Submit Stuff page. We can't wait to hear from you.

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