A daring cat in London traveled four miles in one day.

Introducing Stella, who loves walks, cuddles, and drinking water from glasses.

August 10th 2024.

A daring cat in London traveled four miles in one day.
Stella, a small white and brown cat, is adored by everyone in her community in south east London. She is the most beloved resident in Beckenham and is welcomed with open arms into shops, schools, libraries, and homes any day of the week. Her owner, Becki Williams, proudly shared with BBC that Stella is a very popular cat who loves to explore and nap. In fact, she can travel up to four to six miles a day, sometimes even further!

Stella's popularity has even earned her an Instagram page where her fans can keep up with her daily adventures and cute photos. One local resident was so taken with Stella that they knitted a mailbox topper in her likeness, surrounded by tiny mice. It's no wonder that she is loved by all - she has been spotted wandering into barber shops, libraries, and department stores. There is even a video of her sitting in a barber's chair while an employee gives her fur a "trim."

According to a local teacher, Stella loves to roam around and make herself comfortable in different places. She has been known to wander into classrooms and curl up in a cozy corner for a nap. She is a cheeky little cat who loves to explore, and even makes sure to grab her toiletries from the pharmacy when she needs them. However, her owner Becki makes sure to keep track of her with a tracker and camera, just in case she gets into any mischief.

Despite being beloved by most, not all businesses are thrilled to have Stella roaming around. One local mentioned that she may be banned from the gym now. But Stella is not the only adventurous cat in town. In fact, Metro had the chance to interview another famous feline, Nala, who lives in Stevenage. Nala is a ginger cat who spends his days greeting commuters at the train station.

Owner Natasha shared with The Agency that Nala has been visiting the station for almost two years now and loves to walk miles every day. He has become a beloved figure among commuters, with many stopping to pet him or rub his head as they pass by. Nala is so well-loved that one of the stores at the station has even left a box out for him to relax in. He is a friendly and curious cat who seems to know every corner of Stevenage Station.

In fact, Nala loves the station so much that he once got locked inside after closing time. Luckily, someone noticed and let him out, but Nala didn't seem to mind at all. He is a happy and content cat who is adored by everyone who meets him. It's clear that both Stella and Nala have captured the hearts of their communities and are living their best lives exploring and napping wherever they please.

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