This pump allows you to use your mind to fill a glass with beer.

Seth Jackson, an entrepreneur, robotics expert and neuroscientist from Bristol, created Homer as an enjoyable experiment.

March 19th 2023.

This pump allows you to use your mind to fill a glass with beer.

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After eight years of waiting, users can now experience using it for themselves. The more concentrated the user is, the better their beer will taste. 'If you are proficient, you can pour a perfect pint, however if you are not, it may end up being a huge mess all over my robot.' Since its inception, this machine has already poured over 10,000 pints that were controlled by the user's mind. It is hoped that the machine will motivate young people to pursue engineering. Seth continued to say: 'We made it eight years ago for an experiment, and it has since then become a fantastic business. It is a technology for joy.' If you want to contact our news team, you can email us at email.

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