This pizza thrower has made a fortune of £2,000,000 despite still making mistakes.

"During practice, I ended up burning my eyebrows, hand, head, and arm."

August 6th 2024.

This pizza thrower has made a fortune of £2,000,000 despite still making mistakes.
Next up, let's talk about the incredible story of Hakki Akdeniz, a pizza restaurant owner who has made a whopping £2 million through his impressive dough acrobatics. It all started when Hakki won the top prize at the World Pizza Championship in Las Vegas back in 2010. But what makes this achievement even more remarkable is that Hakki used the prize money to save his struggling restaurant from closing down.

But it wasn't an easy journey for Hakki. In fact, his first competition in 2005 was a disaster. He dropped the pizza and was met with vicious boos from the audience. Despite this setback, Hakki didn't give up. He spent up to two hours every day practicing his dough-spinning skills, learning from YouTube tutorials. And as you can imagine, playing with fire can be quite dangerous. Hakki even burnt his eyebrows, arms, and head during his practice sessions. But his determination paid off when he introduced the element of fire into his routine.

There's thrilling footage of the 44-year-old launching a 22-inch pizza on fire into the air and spinning it with his bare hands as flames engulf the dough. It's a sight to behold, and it's no surprise that Hakki's talent has helped him amass a fortune of $2 million. With this success, he has been able to expand his restaurant empire and also fund charitable work, such as helping the homeless.

Hakki, who hails from New York City, describes himself as a pizza legend. And it's not hard to see why. He has worked tirelessly for years to perfect his dough-spinning craft, much to the annoyance of his flatmate. But it's all paid off now that he is known as the champion of pizza spinning. And it's a title that he well deserves, considering the effort he put in.

When asked about his experience at the World Pizza Championship, Hakki recalls how he had no idea about spinning pizza until he was invited to the competition in 2005. He was in awe of the participants and thought they were crazy for their incredible skills. But he didn't let this discourage him. Instead, he made a vow to one day become the champion himself. And that's exactly what he did, after years of practicing every night and learning from YouTube tutorials.

Hakki's success at the competition not only brought him fame and fortune, but it also helped save his struggling pizza shop. He opened his first shop in 2010 and was on the verge of closing it down when his flaming dough trick caught the attention of the public and brought in more customers. From there on, there was no stopping Hakki's rise to the top.

But what's even more admirable about Hakki is his humility and generosity. He may have achieved financial success, but he always thinks about how he can give back to others. He teaches free classes to children on how to make pizza, and he also regularly donates food, clothing, and medicine to the homeless. To Hakki, being able to help others is the true blessing in life.

As we can see, Hakki's journey from being booed at his first competition to becoming a pizza legend and successful entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. And it just goes to show that with determination and hard work, anything is possible.

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