The phrase "Calling The Bluff" refers to revealing the truth behind someone's false claims or actions.

Israel's claim that UNRWA harbored Hamas attackers has been disproven by a report led by Catherine Colonna, former French Foreign Minister.

April 30th 2024.

The phrase
The recent revelation that Israel accused the UN agency for Palestinian refugees of harboring 12 Hamas members who launched an attack on Israel in October of 2023 has been debunked. A group of experts, led by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, conducted an independent investigation and released a report exposing the falsity of these claims. This is a significant development as it sheds light on the ignorance and carelessness of countries, including the US, who used this unsubstantiated accusation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an excuse to withhold financial support from the UN agency, causing it to struggle.

Thankfully, the report has prompted some countries, such as Germany, to resume their aid to the UN agency. This is a positive step towards regaining the support of donor countries after facing such a blow. In January, the UN agency announced that out of its 13,000 employees in Gaza, 12 were accused by Israel of being involved in the massacre of Israeli civilians during an assault by Hamas militants. This accusation led to a chain reaction of international donors withdrawing their contributions. France, however, continued its aid with certain conditions. It is unfair that the entire organization was condemned based on the actions of a few individuals, especially considering the already delicate financial situation of the agency. Netanyahu used this opportunity to call for the abolition of the agency, which was created in 1949 after the first Israeli-Arab war, resulting in the displacement of thousands of Palestinians.

It is no secret that Israel has always opposed aid and support for Palestinian refugees who were displaced following the Israeli-Arab wars of 1948-1949 and 1967. The number of refugees currently stands at several millions. However, the report published by the group of independent experts has exposed the flaws in Israel's strategy as many of their accusations were dismissed. The credibility of the report can be measured by the fact that it acknowledges some issues with political neutrality, but also recognizes that UNRWA has more mechanisms in place to ensure neutrality compared to other UN agencies. The report also emphasizes the importance of UNRWA to the Palestinian people, despite acknowledging room for improvement in its functioning.

It is worth noting that Israel has not provided any evidence to support their accusations. This only goes to show that the international financial withdrawals were made hastily. The fact that the report concludes that UNRWA remains "irreplaceable and indispensable" speaks volumes about the necessity of this agency. It is ironic that the US, who has frozen their contributions until 2025, has also granted massive military aid to Israel.

At a time when Gaza is facing numerous humanitarian and existential crises, the attack on this agency is highly inappropriate. The report has revealed that there are better ways to address concerns and criticisms about UNRWA rather than calling for its abolition, as Israel has been advocating for. It is time for the international community to urgently address the root of the Israel-Palestine problem and find a political solution instead of letting the war dictate the outcome. It is important to acknowledge that this is an ongoing issue with no end in sight, and it is time for the world to take action towards finding a lasting solution.

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