The army is fully prepared and equipped to handle any obstacles, according to General Dwivedi.

Indian Army chief Gen Upendra Dwivedi stated that the army is prepared to tackle any present or future security threats to India, especially in light of the ongoing border dispute with China.

July 1st 2024.

The army is fully prepared and equipped to handle any obstacles, according to General Dwivedi.
New Delhi: On Monday, Army Chief Gen Upendra Dwivedi assured the public that the Indian Army is fully prepared and capable to face any current and future security challenges that may arise in India. This statement comes in light of the ongoing border dispute with China in eastern Ladakh. As he took on his new role as head of the 1.3 million-strong force, Gen Dwivedi also emphasized the need for synergy among the Army, Air Force, and Navy as one of his top priorities.

Speaking to the media after inspecting a guard of honour at the South Block in Raisina hills, Gen Dwivedi acknowledged the unique operational challenges that the Army faces and stressed the importance of equipping soldiers with the latest weapons to remain prepared for any threats. "I am fully aware of the responsibility entrusted to me and I want to assure the country and its citizens that the Indian Army is more than capable and ready to tackle any present or future challenges," he stated with confidence.

In line with this, the newly-appointed Army Chief expressed his commitment to promoting the use of indigenous military equipment in the force to enhance self-reliance in defense. "The geopolitical landscape is rapidly changing and technology is advancing at a fast pace," he remarked. "To effectively tackle the distinctive requirements and threats that our Army faces, we must continuously equip our soldiers with state-of-the-art weapons and technology, and evolve our war-fighting strategies accordingly."

Gen Dwivedi also emphasized the Army's ongoing transformation and its goal of achieving self-reliance in defense. "To achieve this, we will encourage the use of indigenous initiatives and induct as many locally-made war systems and equipment as possible," he said. He also stated his focus on ensuring that the Army is always ready to operate in the "full spectrum of conflict" and maintain synergy with other branches of the Indian armed forces and other stakeholders.

"Our ultimate goal is to secure India's interests and contribute to nation-building in line with the vision of 'Viksit Bharat-2047'," Gen Dwivedi said. He expressed great pride and honor in leading the Indian Army, acknowledging the legacy of bravery and sacrifice that the force is built upon. "On this occasion, I pay my respects to the brave soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty," he added.

Gen Dwivedi also reiterated his commitment to protect the interests and welfare of all Army personnel and their families, as well as ex-servicemen. "It is my top priority to ensure that the interests and well-being of all ranks and defense civilians of the Indian Army are taken care of," he said. "I also want to assure our extended family of veterans and veer naris that they have my full support and commitment."

Prior to his appointment as Army Chief, Gen Dwivedi served as the Vice Chief of Army since February 19. He has an impressive background, having served as the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Northern Command and commanding in various operational environments in the Northern, Eastern, and Western theatres. An alumnus of Sainik School Rewa, Gen Dwivedi was commissioned into the regiment of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles in 1984.

In conclusion, Gen Dwivedi expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to lead the Indian Army and his unwavering dedication to fulfilling his responsibilities towards the force and the nation. "It is an immense honor for me to be given the responsibility to lead the Indian Army," he said. "I am fully committed to upholding the glorious traditions of this esteemed force and will do my utmost to serve and protect its members and their families."

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