Celebrate the Mangrove Patha Utsav in the city for three days.

Mangrove Patha Utsav, organized by Socratus Foundation and Nature's Club, promotes sustainable coastal ecosystems in Bhubaneswar through collaboration with the Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change.

July 1st 2024.

Celebrate the Mangrove Patha Utsav in the city for three days.
On a sunny Sunday in Bhubaneswar, a special event was kicked off, signaling a major step towards the development of sustainable coastal ecosystems in the state. The three-day 'Mangrove Patha Utsav' was organized by Socratus Foundation and Nature's Club, in collaboration with Bhubaneswar's Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, State Museum, Enhancing Climate Resilience of India's Coastal Communities, Bakul Foundation and other network partners.

The event brought together a diverse group of people, including community representatives, government officials, experts, market operators, practitioners, academics and members of civil society. With a common goal of finding sustainable solutions for the state's mangrove landscapes, these individuals engaged in discussions and shared their knowledge and experiences. The first day of the event saw consultations with ECRICC project implementers, where the focus was on developing and implementing strategies to support the coastal economy.

One of the highlights of the event was the inauguration of a booklet titled 'Climate Recipes' by outgoing Chief Secretary Pradeep Kumar Jena. This concise and intimate booklet features ideas from various professionals, such as architects, journalists, scientists, activists, artists, and farmers. Together, these ideas present different ways of approaching the vision for a flourishing planet and coastal ecosystem.

According to Socrates Foundation director Devjit Mittra, the opening day sessions emphasized the urgent need for collaborative efforts and innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by Odisha's coastal ecosystems. The launch of 'Climate Recipes' serves as a testament to the dedication and collective wisdom of all the stakeholders involved in this important cause. With such collaborative efforts and innovative strategies, it is hoped that the state's coastal ecosystems can be preserved and developed in a sustainable manner for future generations to enjoy.

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