Teenager sentenced to life in prison for fatally stabbing classmate 114 times.

It was horrific, awful, and heartless.

March 24th 2023.

Teenager sentenced to life in prison for fatally stabbing classmate 114 times.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

A Florida teenager was sentenced to life in prison for the slaying of his classmate by stabbing her 114 times.

At St Johns County Courthouse in St Augustine, Judge Lee R Brown declared that Aiden Fucci, 16, had committed the gruesome murder of his neighbor and classmate 'in a cold, calculated, and premeditated manner - without any pretense for moral or legal justification.' Furthermore, the judge noted that it was 'heinous, atrocious, and cruel.'

On Mother's Day 2021, Tristyn Bailey's family reported her missing from her home in North Florida.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Aiden Fucci is seen in a booking photo after his arrest on May 10, 2021 Subsequently, her body was found abandoned in the nearby woods with 114 stab wounds, including 49 defensive wounds to her hands, arms, and head.

Investigators identified Fucci, then 14, as the lone suspect in the case. Surveillance footage showed the two teenagers walking down a residential street together around 2.00am on the morning of her disappearance and Fucci running back alone, carrying his shoes less than two hours later.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Tristyn Bailey was found missing from her home on the morning of May 9, 2021 Fucci was arrested the next day and entered a plea of not guilty to second-degree murder, which was eventually upgraded to first-degree murder because of the severity of the crime.

In February, Fucci changed his plea to guilty and expressed remorse for his actions. Before the sentencing, family members were given the opportunity to speak, with Bailey's sister Alexis filling a jar with 114 stones, 'one for each of the 114 stab wounds that my sister had to endure.'

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Aiden Fucci was sentenced to life in prison on May 24, 2021 for the death of his neighbor and classmate Tristyn Bailey

At St. Johns County Courthouse in St Augustine, Florida, 16-year-old Aiden Fucci was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his neighbor and classmate Tristyn Bailey. Judge Lee R Brown stated that the crime was committed in a 'cold, calculated, and premeditated manner - without any pretense for moral or legal justification.' On Mother's Day 2021, 13-year-old Bailey's family reported her missing, and her body was found abandoned in the nearby woods with 114 stab wounds. Fucci, 14 at the time, was identified as the lone suspect.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

During the sentencing, Bailey's sister Alexis filled a jar with 114 stones to represent the number of wounds her sister had to endure.

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