Student thought they couldn't go to Oxford, but was surprised and delighted when they graduated.

Daniel rose above his circumstances to attend Oxford, achieving the impossible.

October 8th 2023.

Student thought they couldn't go to Oxford, but was surprised and delighted when they graduated.
21-year-old Daniel Dipper from Peterborough, in the east of England, has achieved an incredible feat: he has graduated from Oxford University with a 2:1 in History and Politics. Despite coming from a disadvantaged background and attending a state school with one of the worst levels of social mobility in the UK, Daniel was the first in his family to attend university and part of the first ever cohort of leavers from his secondary school to go to the prestigious institution.

Daniel had to overcome many obstacles to get to Oxford, including doubts from his own father and discouraging words from some of his teachers. He was even diagnosed with fibromyalgia during the application process. Despite this, Daniel worked hard to adjust to life at Oxford and was soon a popular face on campus. He became ‘queen bee’ through his intramural roles and DJ stints at student functions.

Last month, the high achiever donned a gown and mortar board for his graduation ceremony at the university’s 17th Century Sheldonian Theatre. He recalled the ‘I did it’ moment that made him reflect on the years leading up to that point and the pro-vice chancellor’s words that a ‘degree of any classification from Oxford is hard won’.

Outside of his studies, Daniel was DJing and debating. He even had the highlight of his DJ performances so far, performing on May Morning at LMH Ball on the blue channel with the audience singing out Sweet Caroline at 5am.

Daniel was supported in his journey to Oxford by Zero Gravity social mobility tech company, which helps students from low-income families to land places at top universities. He has now moved into the business world with an Oxford degree under his belt, taking up an internship and then a full-time role as a graduate business analyst at Finbourne Technology. He has also won a Talent and Opportunity Scholarship from the Graduate Management Admission Council and is preparing to apply for business school in the long term.

Daniel’s experiences have shown him the ‘power of opportunity’ and the ‘power of education to transform prospects’. He hopes that others facing low expectations will be inspired by his story and ‘go for it’ when considering further or higher education. He also encourages those in positions of power to ensure that students have adequate financial support so they can make the most of their course.

Daniel Dipper has truly proven the doubters wrong and is now looking forward to the opportunities ahead.

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