Simple sales tricks

Before we can talk about closing the sale, we need to know how to not blow the sale.

The last thing that any salesperson wants is a bad experience with their customer.

There are many ways that people can lose an appointment or a deal without them even realizing it. One of these mistakes is by being unprepared or not having a plan for your meeting or call. Another way is by making too many assumptions about what the customer needs, wants, and desires from your product or service. It’s common for salespeople to lose a sale because they don’t know what questions to ask their customers or how to listen and pay attention to their answers.

We all know that the best way to close a sale is by asking the buyer directly if they’re interested. But, there are some other easy ways to close a sale too. Here are just a few:

- Ask for their email address and then send them an email with information that they may find useful

- Offer them an incentive for doing business with you

- Tell them about your customer service so they know if something goes wrong, they have someone to turn to

- Give them more of what they want

- Offer a discount on future purchases if they buy now

- Give them a free gift with their purchase

- Provide free shipping and handling with their order



