Serious bullying and harassment accusations made against the Justice Department.

9News obtained recordings of offensive comments and a senior manager talking about protecting the Attorney General.

September 11th 2024.

Serious bullying and harassment accusations made against the Justice Department.
Content Warning: This story contains sensitive content that may be disturbing to some readers.

Recently, there have been shocking reports of sexual harassment and bullying within the Queensland Department of Justice, as revealed exclusively by 9News. The evidence, in the form of audio recordings, uncovers offensive remarks and a high-ranking manager discussing the need to protect the Attorney General.

One employee, Sarah Jane Robertson, who works for the Department of Justice, came forward as a whistleblower and shared her experiences of being a victim of harassment. She expressed her frustration and disbelief that such behavior could occur within a department that is meant to uphold justice. Robertson's claims were not taken seriously, and she felt that she and her female colleagues were not being believed.

One of the incidents that Robertson reported involved her colleague, Bonnie Finlayson, making a vulgar and sexually harassing comment about Robertson and her Indigenous husband during a staff meeting. has chosen not to publish the comment. However, three other female staff members have also come forward and provided sworn statements alleging that Finlayson regularly used inappropriate language in their conversations. One of the women, who is Indigenous, stated that Finlayson even discussed the sexual preferences of another staff member.

Another female employee, who has a disability, reported that Finlayson made a hurtful remark, telling her she should be ashamed of needing assistance while traveling for work. In addition, Finlayson allegedly made a disturbing comment to her colleagues about creating a Tinder profile for someone to "get f—ed every night." This has caused a toxic work environment for the staff, as mentioned in one of the affidavits.

Robertson is disappointed that her complaints were not taken seriously, and she believes that the department has failed to address these issues. When approached for a comment, Finlayson declined and expressed her surprise at being contacted, as the matter is currently in court.

Unfortunately, this scandal has not only affected the employees involved but has also been a costly issue for taxpayers. Four staff members have left their jobs, and some have even filed claims for WorkCover. Robertson has also filed a complaint with the Industrial Relations Commission. The department claims that they have conducted a review of their workplace culture, which has been referred to several authorities for further investigation.

Former attorney-general Shannon Fentiman, who was in the position at the time of the complaints, has also been implicated in the matter. In audio recordings that have been made available for legal proceedings, a senior manager can be heard expressing their concerns about protecting the Attorney General and other high-ranking officials, including then director-general David Mackie.

The manager stated that it was their responsibility to protect these individuals, but they did not feel like that was the case. This revelation has raised concerns about the department's priorities and the lack of action taken to address the harassment and bullying claims made by the female employees.

In conclusion, this is a troubling and disturbing situation that has caused harm to many individuals and has been a costly issue for taxpayers. It is crucial for these allegations to be thoroughly investigated and for the responsible parties to be held accountable. No one should have to endure such unacceptable behavior in their workplace, and it is the responsibility of the department to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all employees.

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