Melbourne preparing for potential disruptions during defense expo demonstrations.

Police present outside conference center in city, preparing for upcoming protests.

September 11th 2024.

Melbourne preparing for potential disruptions during defense expo demonstrations.
Melbourne is gearing up for another day of tension and potential clashes between protesters and police. The previous day saw chaotic scenes outside the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the Land Forces Defence Expo is being held. The protest, which saw around 1500 people take to the streets, was the largest in the city in 24 years. In response, about 1000 officers from both Victoria and New South Wales were deployed to maintain order.

The protest continued into the night and police remained stationed outside the convention center, prepared for any further unrest. As the sun rose, a line of officers were deployed behind barricades in front of the building. Disrupt Land Forces, a coalition of activist groups, announced on social media that they planned to hold a rally and march this morning, followed by an evening vigil. They also stated that the protests will continue throughout the week, as the conference is ongoing. The cost of the police operation, which has been ongoing since the start of the protest, is estimated to be $15 million, funded by taxpayers.

The police have accused the protesters of throwing various objects at them, including rocks, suspected human feces, horse manure, and balloons filled with unknown liquids. The situation escalated throughout the day, but eventually died down by the afternoon. However, the protesters have claimed that the police overreacted and that some of their fellow demonstrators were even hospitalized during the unrest. The Greens have taken action by requesting an independent investigation into the police's use of what they deemed to be "military-style" tactics during the protest. In response to this, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission has been contacted.

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