Senator Reynolds was overwhelmed by the ongoing controversy surrounding her handling of the Higgins sexual assault case.

Senator Anne Ruston testifies in defamation trial about the damaging impact of a rape cover-up accusation on Linda Reynolds.

August 20th 2024.

Senator Reynolds was overwhelmed by the ongoing controversy surrounding her handling of the Higgins sexual assault case.
According to Liberal Senator Anne Ruston, relentless attacks from the political sphere have taken a toll on fellow Senator Linda Reynolds, who is still struggling to recover. The cause? Reynolds' former staffer Brittany Higgins' rape cover-up allegations, which she is currently defending in a defamation trial. Reynolds believes that a series of social media posts containing false information have damaged her reputation, and she is seeking justice.

Speaking at the Perth court, Ruston revealed the extent of the political firestorm that followed Higgins' accusations in 2021. She stated that it was not just a few isolated incidents, but a sustained attack in the media, the parliament, and even on social media. This relentless attack on Reynolds' credibility and integrity had a profound effect on her mental and physical health, causing her to feel like she had been brought to her knees.

Ruston, who has known Reynolds for over 20 years, witnessed the journey of a strong and capable woman who was suddenly faced with a traumatic event that left a lasting impact on her life. She noted that Reynolds has never fully recovered from the ordeal and continues to suffer both physically and mentally.

Another friend of Reynolds, Kate Schulze, also testified in court. She shared that the allegations made by Higgins in 2021 left Reynolds "horrified." Schulze firmly believes that it was a calculated and fabricated attempt to discredit her friend. The senator was in disbelief that she was being accused of covering up a rape in her ministerial suite. Schulze also stated that the attacks against Reynolds were not limited to public debates and were instead orchestrated behind the scenes.

As the trial continued, Reynolds' former chief of staff Fiona Brown was excused from giving evidence. This led to Higgins' lawyer, Rachael Young, calling for former deputy Australian Federal Police commissioner Leanne Close to testify. Young argued that Close could provide valuable evidence regarding a meeting between Reynolds and the officer after the alleged rape, in the absence of Brown.

The trial is set to continue today, with journalist Samantha Maiden taking the stand. The court was informed that Maiden may seek legal representation, which is expected to be opposed by the defense. In the meantime, support is available for anyone who has experienced sexual assault and domestic violence through the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT. Additionally, you can stay updated on all the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, and sports updates through our WhatsApp channel, where your privacy is respected, and your details will remain confidential.

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