Police in London turned in their guns after an officer was charged with murder.

Officers in one UK city hand in their guns in protest; other police called in to help with patrols.

September 25th 2023.

Police in London turned in their guns after an officer was charged with murder.
Following the shooting death of 24-year-old Chris Kaba by a London police marksman, the news sent shockwaves throughout the country. While England, unlike the United States, does not typically give their officers firearms, the agents that do carry guns underwent specialized training to use them while on patrol.

Kaba was killed Sept. 5, 2022, after Metropolitan Police chased him in an unmarked car. After the vehicle stopped, Kaba was hit by a bullet fired through the windshield of his Audi as he sat in his car. The officer who killed Kaba was granted provisional bail as he awaits his trial date in 2024.

The news sparked protests and questions about institutional racism within London’s police force, with many British social media users calling the officers’ refusal to carry firearms a petulant action. The Metropolitan Police said that their officers are concerned that charging the officer with murder signals a shift in the way the decisions they make in the most challenging circumstances will be judged.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct also investigated the incident and found that the shooting happened after a number plate recognition camera identified the plate as one that was linked to a previous firearm incident. Rosemary Ainslie of the Crown Prosecution Service said that after thoroughly reviewing all the evidence, a murder charge was agreed to for the unidentified officer who killed Kaba. The officer was subsequently suspended from duty and scheduled to appear before the Westminster Magistrate Court on Sept. 21.

Charging police officers with murder or manslaughter is rare in the United Kingdom - the last officer to be charged with both was Benjamin Monk in 2021. Monk killed a soccer player by shooting him with a stun gun and kicking him in the head. Monk was acquitted of the murder charge but is serving an eight-year sentence for manslaughter.

Kaba’s family is understandably distraught, and they are hoping that a trial will take place as quickly as possible. Metro police still had enough firearm capability to patrol effectively, but they still asked the Ministry of Defense to help with counterterrorism should the need arise. The situation has unnerved many, leading to the #BlackLivesMatterUK movement on Twitter and other social media platforms.

It is clear that Kaba’s death has had a deep impact on the London community. It is a tragedy that could have been prevented, and it is hoped that justice will be served and that the family will receive the closure they need.

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