Schoolgirl with a strange tattoo who ran over her boyfriend with a car was a "school swot".

Everyone who knew her was surprised, as she was incredibly intelligent.

January 7th 2024.

Schoolgirl with a strange tattoo who ran over her boyfriend with a car was a
Alice Wood, 23, has been found guilty of murdering her 24-year-old boyfriend Ryan Watson after using her car ‘as a weapon’ outside their Cheshire home in May 2022. Wood, a former Manchester University philosophy student and charity support worker, was found guilty of murder on Tuesday, and the horrific crime came as a shock to her former friends.

One of those friends said of Wood: ‘Alice never showed any signs of jealousy, anger or aggression and wasn’t the type of person you had to be careful around. She was friendly with the majority of people and quite quiet – but when she did speak it was of value. I think that’s why it came as such a shock.’

This shock was compounded by the fact that Wood was a gifted student who achieved three A-Stars at A-Level, and was one of only a few to make it to the final selection stage for Oxford.

At the murder trial, Andrew Ford KC said for the prosecution: ‘Ryan was caught on camera having a good time, being a gregarious and outgoing party guest. We say this is a simple case – she lost her temper, had an argument with her boyfriend and used the car as a weapon.’

Wood denied both murder and manslaughter, describing Ryan’s death as a ‘tragic accident’, but the jury found her guilty of murder within eight hours. She faces life in prison when she is sentenced on January 29.

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