Contestant stuns audience on game show with celebrity phone-a-friend.

Wow! Exclamation expressing surprise or amazement.

February 5th 2024.

Contestant stuns audience on game show with celebrity phone-a-friend.
During a recent episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, host Jeremy Clarkson was left stunned by a contestant's choice of phone-a-friend. As the iconic ITV gameshow returned to television last month, fans were excited to see what surprises the show had in store. Little did they know, one player would bring two classic gameshows together in a crossover that nobody expected.

Adrian, the contestant in question, managed to make it all the way to the £64,000 question without using his phone-a-friend lifeline. However, when faced with a question about the natural world, he found himself stumped. Thankfully, he had a secret weapon up his sleeve - his celebrity phone-a-friend.

Asking to call his friend, Clarkson jokingly suggested David Attenborough. But to everyone's surprise, Adrian had someone even better in mind - Kevin. Who is Kevin, you may ask? Well, he's one of the Eggheads - the kings and queens of quizzes. And not just any Egghead, but Kevin Ashman, one of the world's greatest quiz champions and star of the BBC game show Eggheads.

This wasn't even Kevin's first time on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. Back in 2008, he was called upon by Peter Kay and Paddy McGuinness as their phone-a-friend. And now, Adrian was using him as his secret weapon to help him win the coveted prize.

Fans watching at home were left stunned by this unexpected choice of phone-a-friend. Some even joked that it was like cheating or that they needed more knowledgeable friends. But as soon as Kevin was on the line, he confirmed the answer - nests - and Adrian walked away with a whopping £125,000.

It's safe to say that Adrian's choice of phone-a-friend was a strategic and clever move. And it just goes to show that sometimes, the most unexpected people can be the most helpful in a time of need. Who knows, maybe we'll see more unexpected phone-a-friend choices on future episodes of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. Tune in on Sundays at 8pm on ITV to find out.

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