Sabina Nessa's murderer used a broken toilet piece to stab a prison officer.

He was incredibly strong, I'm grateful it wasn't worse.

September 4th 2024.

Sabina Nessa's murderer used a broken toilet piece to stab a prison officer.
Sabina Nessa, a young primary school teacher, was on her way to meet a friend when she was brutally attacked. The perpetrator, Koci Selamaj, had already been convicted of her murder and was serving a life sentence in prison. However, his violent tendencies were not limited to that one heinous act.

While locked up in the notorious Frankland Prison, Selamaj showed his true colors once again. He flew into a rage and smashed up his cell toilet before using a shard of porcelain to stab a prison officer. Thankfully, the officer survived the attack, but it was a harrowing experience for him. This was not the only incident of violence from Selamaj during his imprisonment.

He admitted to wounding one guard and assaulting another, causing bodily harm. The judge presiding over his case determined that Selamaj was suffering from mental illness and should be treated at a secure hospital until he is stable enough to return to prison. However, this did not excuse his actions.

The court heard how Selamaj, while in his cell, became agitated when a guard asked if he would be leaving for lunch. He proceeded to arm himself with a piece of porcelain and lashed out at the officer, stabbing him in the knee and forearm. Another guard who came to assist was also punched in the face.

The judge noted that the piece of porcelain was sharp enough to be considered a blade, highlighting the danger of Selamaj's actions. In a statement, the injured officer expressed his shock and fear at the attack, stating that he had never been assaulted in his 10 years as a guard. He also acknowledged that Selamaj, being a convicted murderer, was capable of causing even more harm.

During the sentencing hearing, Selamaj's defense lawyer revealed that he had a history of hearing voices and believed that the electricity in the walls was talking to him. However, since receiving treatment at Broadmoor, his mental state had improved. The judge determined that Selamaj would not be eligible for parole until he was at least 73 years old, and even then, only after serving his minimum sentence for Ms. Nessa's murder.

Selamaj watched the proceedings from Broadmoor, as he had previously refused to attend his sentencing for Ms. Nessa's murder. The court heard how he had traveled from the south coast to London with the intent to attack a random woman. He chose Sabina Nessa as his victim and brutally assaulted her as she walked through the park.

CCTV footage captured the horrific attack, where Selamaj hit Ms. Nessa over the head with a metal traffic triangle 34 times before dragging her out of view and assaulting her further. She was found the next day, and Selamaj was arrested shortly after. He pleaded guilty to her murder, and the judge described it as a "savage" and "sexually motivated" attack.

In the end, justice was served for Sabina Nessa, but her family and friends were left devastated by the loss of such a kind and caring person. Selamaj's violent tendencies and disregard for human life were on full display, and his actions will have a lasting impact on all those involved.

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