Reality star taken to hospital after experiencing a blockage causing pain.

Don't delay - seek medical help immediately.

December 31st 2023.

Reality star taken to hospital after experiencing a blockage causing pain.
It's been a tumultuous start to the New Year for Golden Bachelor star Leslie Fhima. The 65-year-old revealed that she spent much of her New Year's Eve celebrations and her milestone birthday in hospital, after a painful injury.

Leslie shared a video on Instagram, where she could be seen in her hospital bed with an IV. She explained to her followers what had happened.

“Hey everybody, I know that everyone was curious to know what I did on my 65th birthday. I spent it in the hospital. Yes, I had a bowel blockage, severe cramping, came into the ER. They saw that I had this blockage, and that I needed surgery. It was something so random – actually scar tissue from when I had an appendectomy when I was 18 years old.”

Leslie advised her followers to not make the same mistake she did and to immediately seek medical attention if they experience severe stomach issues.

“If you have severe stomach issues, don't wait 12 hours to go to the hospital like I did," she said.

Leslie was among the group of women vying for the affections of Gerry Turner on the Golden Bachelor, and even made it to the final. However, in savage scenes, the 72-year-old retired restauranteur decided to take the plunge with Theresa Nist at the last second. Leslie admitted that she felt "blindsided" by his decision.

Gerry admitted that he found himself ‘caught up’ as filming continued, adding that it was better with Theresa. All eyes will be on Gerry and Theresa as they prepare to walk down the aisle on January 4, live on ABC. The Golden Wedding will premiere on January 4 at 8pm ET.

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