Reader's Feature praises Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth for its excellent use of humor.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is loved for its great gameplay, lovable characters, and successful humor.

March 10th 2024.

Reader's Feature praises Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth for its excellent use of humor.
When I first heard about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, I was skeptical. How could they possibly make the game funnier? But as I played through it, I found myself laughing out loud at Red XIII dressed as a Shinra soldier, the high five joke with Aerith and Cloud, and all the little snide comments between the group. It was clear that these characters were more than just a bunch of strangers thrown together, they were friends who genuinely enjoyed each other's company.

But the humor wasn't the only thing that stood out to me. As I delved deeper into the game, I discovered the absurd mini-games that seemed to have no logical place in the story. And that's when it hit me - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a lot like the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series. Both games have a similar tone and approach to storytelling, which I found refreshing compared to other AAA games that take themselves too seriously.

In fact, I think it's a good thing that the golden age of AAA games is over. Japan, once again, has come to save the video game industry with their unique and unconventional approach. And I, for one, am grateful for it. These games aren't afraid to be silly and have fun, which allows for more varied gameplay and situations. They're not limited by a need to be "grounded" and that's what makes them stand out.

I can only hope that this trend continues with future Final Fantasy games. If Final Fantasy 17 is anything like Rebirth, I'll be the first in line to play it. But for now, I still have Rebirth to finish and the third and final game to look forward to.

It's clear that the team behind Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was treated well, as the game is a testament to their creativity and passion. It's no surprise that the producer has spoken about the importance of a positive work environment and its impact on the final product. And as a player, I can feel that positive energy radiating from the game.

In conclusion, I can confidently say that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is not just a game, it's an experience. It's a reminder that video games can be more than just a means of entertainment, they can also bring people together and create lasting memories. And I, for one, am grateful for that.

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