Rayagada is facing a serious water shortage issue.

Rayagada district faces water crisis due to declining groundwater levels caused by industrialization and population growth, leading to excessive bore well digging.

May 18th 2024.

Rayagada is facing a serious water shortage issue.
Residents in the district of Rayagada are facing a potential water crisis in the near future, according to sources on Friday. The root causes of this issue are the establishment of more industries and the increasing population, as pointed out by the concerned individuals. Another contributing factor is the rampant digging of bore wells, further depleting the already declining groundwater level. Environmentalists are worried that if no action is taken to conserve water, the situation will only worsen in the future. They believe that limiting the number of bore wells being dug is crucial in controlling the water crisis. However, the district administration seems to be unaware of the severity of the situation, with no knowledge of the number of bore wells in the district.

Residents have also noticed that the administration is not taking any concrete steps to preserve the water beneath the soil. Sources reveal that there is a groundwater division office in the district, but it is not functioning due to a lack of employees. According to insiders, the decrease in groundwater levels has been ongoing since 2019 and is now being acutely felt. The district has 11 blocks and 78 checkpoints for monitoring the groundwater levels, and unfortunately, most of them show a significant decrease. While the situation is relatively stable in Padmapur block, Rayagada block is facing the worst of the crisis. Reports from the Groundwater Development Department show a decrease in water levels in several blocks, such as Bissam Cuttack, Gudari, Gunupur, and Rayagada, over the past few years.

In Bissam Cuttack, the groundwater level has decreased from 4.96 meters to 7.77 meters since 2019, while Gudari block has seen a decrease from 10.46 meters to 12.39 meters. Gunupur block has also experienced a decline, with water levels dropping from 13.01 meters to 13.49 meters at two checkpoints. The situation is no different in Rayagada block, where the water level has decreased from 22.24 meters in 2019 to 29.31 meters currently. This trend is consistent in other blocks such as Kalyansingpur, Kashipur, Kolnara, and Muniguda. Environmentalists warn that if this trend continues, the future looks bleak for the district.

In response to these concerns, hydrologist Jyotiprasad Das, who works at the GWD office, acknowledged the gravity of the situation. However, he also emphasized that it is the responsibility of all residents in the district to conserve and preserve water. He also mentioned that he has not received any directives to restrict the digging of bore wells. The current groundwater level is indeed alarming, and it is crucial for everyone to work together to address this issue before it worsens.

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