Raw sewage still being discharged into nullahs across Margao, according to GSPCB report.

November 29th 2023.

Raw sewage still being discharged into nullahs across Margao, according to GSPCB report.
Margao: The Goa State Pollution Control Board has conducted an inspection of sewage water flowing through the city's storm water nullahs and the findings have revealed a concerning reality. Raw sewage is being discharged into these water channels before they eventually reach the river Sal.

The inspection, which was conducted in mid-October by a team of officials from the GSPCB, PWD, Sewerage, SIDCGL, and the Margao Municipality, revealed sewage flowing through the stormwater drain opposite the South Goa Collectorate building, Mathany Saldana Administrative Complex, Margao. In addition, sewage was seen flowing through the stormwater drain in front of Presentation Convent High School and South Goa District Hospital, as well as the nullah at the entrance of the South Goa District Hospital.

More alarmingly, the team observed sewage flowing through the stormwater drain at the Colva circle. As well as sewage flowing through the nullah at the Comba Bypass Road. The GSPCB was informed during the inspection that the discharge of sewage was due to overflow from one of the sewer chambers. They also found that the flow of sewage was due to the overflow of sewage from the manholes connected to the old sewer lines. The inspection team was further informed by the officials of SIDCGL that the work of laying a new sewer line from the South Goa District Hospital to the Colva circles is in its final stages.

The inspection further revealed sewage flowing into the Salpem lake. The officials of Sewerage Infrastructure Development Corporation of Goa Ltd informed the team that diverting the sewage at the 20MLD is not practically viable during monsoon. In addition, the team observed plastic bottles, tube lights, and other non-biodegradable waste floating on the sewage following through the nullah.

The GSPCB have since directed seven units to shut shop immediately at Colva in an effort to control the discharge of sewage and the presence of non-biodegradable waste. It is hoped that these measures will help to restore the city's water channels to a healthier state.

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