Advise your friend to find someone who is better suited for them.

Tips for having tough conversations with your partner: listen, be open, and be kind.

November 29th 2023.

Advise your friend to find someone who is better suited for them.
Mel Schilling is one of the world's leading experts in building relationships. She's been a qualified specialist in human behavioural performance and purpose for over two decades, and since 2016 she's been a coach on the Australian version of Married at First Sight. Her success has even seen her drafted in to help with the UK version of the show.

But Mel's expertise doesn't stop at romantic relationships. She recently shared her top tips on navigating tricky conversations with friends in The Agency's Smut Drop podcast.

Mel explained that it's important to be gentle when discussing a friend's toxic or dysfunctional relationship. Going in hard and criticizing their partner is not the best approach, as it could make your friend defensive and lead to them wanting to protect their pride or ego.

Instead, Mel advises to take the partner out of the equation and talk to your friend one-on-one. Show your concern for them as an individual and remind them that you love them unconditionally. That way, you can ensure you don't step over any boundaries in terms of their privacy.

In the podcast episode, Mel also discussed her own experience with relationships. She opened up about her 'red flag' - her aversion to men who liked heavy metal music - and how she managed to overcome it when she met her husband Gareth Brisbane. Mel and Gareth share a nine-year-old daughter together, Madison.

The Smut Drop podcast also saw host Miranda Kane chat with experts from sex toys to sex fantasies, delving into the dos and don'ts of dirty talk and the sexy potential of feet. Miranda herself has worked to dispel the misconceptions around sex work, having gone into comedy, managing club nights and embracing 'good, consensual sex in all its sticky, naked glory.'

If you want to catch up with Smut Drop, you can find all the episodes here. If you have a story you'd like to share, get in touch with Kirsten by emailing Share your views in the comments below.

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