Questions about the potential of a handheld PlayStation 6, a Concord story campaign, and a remastered version of Epic Mickey are discussed in the Games Inbox.

Monday's letters page seeks the ultimate in-flight game, with a reader sharing their pick for the greatest video game title.

September 23rd 2024.

Questions about the potential of a handheld PlayStation 6, a Concord story campaign, and a remastered version of Epic Mickey are discussed in the Games Inbox.
There's been a lot of buzz lately about whether Sony will release a new Portable PlayStation. The Monday letters page even had a discussion about the best game to play on a long haul flight, and one reader shared their favorite video game name of all time. If you'd like to join in on the conversation, you can email us at the provided address.

There are some interesting rumors floating around about the PlayStation 6. It seems like there are two main possibilities: either there will be two models like the Xbox Series X/S, or there will be a home console and a portable one. The first option seems more obvious, especially if Sony plans on releasing another expensive console. It's also possible that the second option could be a PS6 Pro, with both versions available from the start.

On the other hand, the second option aligns better with current trends and what Xbox is likely to do. But it doesn't seem like a good fit for PlayStation. While Xbox may focus solely on a hybrid or portable console for the next generation, console hardware still seems to be working out for Sony.

This begs the question, if Sony's next gen console isn't a separate format, what will it be? Could it be a less powerful version of the "main" PlayStation 6, similar to the Xbox Series S compared to the X? It's hard to imagine Sony going down that route.

Creating a portable console would require a lot of resources and there's no guarantee of success. The Xbox Series S hasn't been well received and while the Steam Deck has been praised, it has only sold a few million units. It seems like a risky move that may not pay off in the end.

Of course, Sony has been making some questionable decisions lately, but it's hard to believe they would release both a home and portable console at the same time.

Moving on to other gaming news, we have a reader who felt quite old after reading our review of Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics. They asked us what the Dreamcast was and jokingly suggested asking their dad, as it made them feel ancient. They also mentioned a platform game we reviewed recently that sounded interesting, with elements reminiscent of Jet Set Radio. After some thought, we believe they may be referring to RKGK / Rakugaki.

In other news, the release of Epic Mickey Rebrushed is just around the corner. One reader is curious if we will be reviewing it, as they never played the original 2010 Wii game and want to avoid a potential cash grab by Disney. The game's visuals look bright and colorful, and they are considering purchasing it if it receives a decent review.

Speaking of upcoming releases, some people are already discussing the PlayStation 6 when the PlayStation 7 is just six months away. According to rumors, the PlayStation 7 will have a brain inside a cage, known as The Cell. The brain will be grown from cells taken from a pig's back hair and will require a special compound to keep it fed and lubricated. The console will also connect wirelessly to Bluetooth Next, which will be inserted into your brain through an operation.

The graphics of the games will be so realistic that your brain won't be able to distinguish them from reality. However, after some early testing resulted in the deaths of three people due to shock, all games will be downgraded to the level of a ZX Spectrum. And in a surprising move, Sony is reportedly working on a port of Manic Miner.

Finally, one reader is planning a trip to Japan and is looking for recommendations for multiplayer games to play on the plane and any gaming-related places to visit while there. Our suggestions include Advance Wars for the plane and Akihabara for games, as well as Mandarake for merch and nerdy finds.
As technology continues to advance, many gamers are eagerly anticipating the release of the next generation of gaming consoles. And with Sony being one of the biggest players in the industry, the question on everyone's mind is: will they be launching a new Portable PlayStation?

The letters page on Monday seems to be buzzing with discussions about the best game to play on a long haul flight. One reader even shared their opinion on what they believe to be the best video game name ever. If you want to join in on the conversation, you can email us your thoughts.

But amidst all the discussions, there are some interesting rumors floating around about the PlayStation 6. It seems that there are two main possibilities for the console: either two models like the Xbox Series X/S, or a home console and a portable one. The former seems more likely, as it would be relatively easy for Sony to do and it would make sense if they were going for another expensive console. It's even possible that the second option could be the PS6 Pro, making both versions available from the start.

On the other hand, the latter option may fit better with current trends and fashions, and it's likely what Xbox is planning to do. But for Sony, a hybrid or portable console may not be the best idea. After all, they are still doing well with their home consoles, unlike Xbox. This raises the question: if the next PlayStation isn't a separate format, then what will it be? Perhaps a depowered version of the "main" PS6, similar to the Xbox Series S compared to the X? However, it's hard to imagine Sony going down that route.

Creating a portable console would require a lot of money and effort, with no guarantee of success. The Xbox Series S hasn't been as successful as Microsoft hoped, and even the highly anticipated Steam Deck has only sold a few million units. So it's a high-risk move for Sony, and it's hard to see it being a success. Of course, Sony hasn't always made the most sensible decisions in the past, but it's still hard to believe they would launch both a home and portable console at the same time.

Moving on to a different topic, our dear reader Cranston mentions the "old father time" and how he's trying to recall a platform game that was reviewed a while back. He remembers it having echoes of Jet Set Radio but it wasn't either Gori Cuddly Carnage or Bombrush Cyberfunk. After some digging, we believe it was RKGK / Rakugaki, released earlier this year. And yes, we feel old too when we realize the Dreamcast is over 25 years old.

Speaking of aging, one reader is wondering if we'll be reviewing Epic Mickey Rebrushed, set to be released next week. They never played the original 2010 Wii game and are curious about the studio making the remake. The visuals do look bright and colorful, and it has caught the attention of our reader and their son, who both love Mickey Mouse and 3D platformers. However, they don't want to fall victim to a half-hearted Disney cash grab. We haven't committed to doing a review yet, but you can check out our review of the original game in the meantime.

Finally, we have a reader who is tired of all the hype surrounding the PlayStation 6, when the PlayStation 7 is set to release just six months later. According to rumors, the PS7 will feature a brain inside a cage, known as The Cell. This brain is created from cells taken from a pig's back hair and requires a special compound to keep it fed and lubricated. It will also connect wirelessly to a new Bluetooth technology called Bluetooth Next, which requires a surgical procedure to be inserted directly into one's brain. The goal is to create a fully immersive experience, to the point where the player cannot distinguish the game from reality. However, early tests have resulted in the deaths of three individuals due to shock, so Sony is toning down the realism and aiming for graphics similar to the ZX Spectrum. They are even working on a port of Manic Miner.

But don't worry, these issues will surely be ironed out before release. Our reader can't wait to experience this new form of gaming, but we can't help but be skeptical. After all, it's hard to believe Sony would do anything new with Bloodborne. Meanwhile, another reader is planning a trip to Japan and is looking for recommendations for multiplayer games to play on the long plane ride, as well as any gaming-related places to visit. We suggest Advance Wars for the plane and visiting Akihabara for games and Mandarake for merch and nerdy items. Happy travels!

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